- The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) administers a voluntary SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program within the Division of Family and Community Services (DFCS), Office of Workforce Development (OWFD). SNAP E&T provides employment and training services to SNAP recipients who do not receive TANF Cash and volunteer to participate in the program. The program also helps with work-related expenses for the first 90 days of employment when the job is obtained while participating in SNAP E&T.
- This manual release implements a change to the program procedures effective 11/01/2022. The Office of Workforce Development will manage most functions of the SNAP E&T Program. This procedural change provides the Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs) with more time to focus on eligibility determinations for program benefits and timely application processing.
- New and revised SNAP E&T forms are being implemented. Some forms previously used are now obsolete.
- Multiple screens in the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) related to SNAP Work Provisions, Work Requirement, able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) Time-Limited Clock and SNAP E&T have been modified. This manual release provides changes to the SNAP E&T questions and screen changes. A separate manual release and/or IES Wizards will be provided on the other system changes shortly.
- Voluntary SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program
- Office of Workforce Development and ISETS
- SNAP E&T Form Changes
- New Forms
- Revised Forms
- Obsolete Forms
- SNAP E&T Procedure Changes
- FCRC Responsibilities
- Workforce Development Responsibilities
- When Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in Effect
- IES System Changes
- SNAP E&T Components
- Non-Education/Non-Work Components
- Educational Components
- Work Experience Components
- Manual Revisions
- Forms referenced:
Voluntary SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program
The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) administers a voluntary SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program to help SNAP recipients who do not receive TANF Cash acquire work skills and find employment that leads to self-sufficiency. The program also helps with work-related expenses for the first 90 days of employment when the job is obtained while participating in SNAP E&T. All customers participating in SNAP E&T are considered volunteers and cannot be sanctioned if they later decide to drop out of the program. However, a customer who is participating in SNAP E&T may still be sanctioned for failing to meet a Work Provision (PM 03-15-01) if required to comply. Prior to implementing a Work Provision sanction, determine if the customer has a good cause reason for not complying with a work rule during the application interview. If the noncompliance occurs during the certification period, contact the customer by phone. If the phone call is unsuccessful, send Verification Checklist (Form IL 444-267) to the SNAP household to discuss and determine if good cause exists. Verification of good cause is not required, unless questionable (PM 03-15-05). There is not a conciliation process for voluntary SNAP E&T or Work Provisions sanctions.
Example : Ms. K, age 30 and her 6 year old daughter receive SNAP benefits. Ms. K is a single parent and works the night shift at a local gas station for 30 hours per week. Ms. K reported during the certification period that she quit her job, but the reason was unknown to the worker. Prior to imposing a work sanction, the worker contacts Ms. K by phone. Ms K explains that her child care provider recently developed some medical problems and can no longer provide services to her child. She quit her job to be home with her child until she can find another child care provider. Ms. K has a good cause reason for quitting her job due to the lack of child care.
Office of Workforce Development and ISETS
Effective 11/01/2022, the Office of Workforce Development (OWFD) will manage most SNAP E&T Program functions. The Illinois SNAP Employment and Training System (ISETS) is the new SNAP Employment and Training tracking system. All customer referrals, component participation, supportive services, case notes, and outcomes of the SNAP E&T program will be logged into ISETS by either the Office of Workforce Development staff or the SNAP E&T Provider. The FCRC will not enter information into ISETS and will not have access to the system.
SNAP E&T Form Changes
SNAP E&T forms have been created or revised and are in ISETS. A paper version is available for use if ISETS issues occur. These forms, with the exception of two, are used only by the Office of Workforce Development and SNAP E&T Providers. FCRCs will use the SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (IL444-5179) and the SNAP Work Requirement - Community Work Verification (IL444-3673).
New Forms
- SNAP Employment and Training Referral (IL444-4970) will replace Referral Form (IL444-2151).
- SNAP Employment and Training Change Report (IL444-4971) will replace Change Progress Report (IL444-2151A).
- SNAP Activity Report (IL444-2610) will replace Monthly Activity Report (IL444-2606).
- SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (Form IL 444-5179).
Note: Form IL444-2151 and Form IL444-2151A will only be used for the TANF program.
Revised Forms
- Regular Earnfare Attendance Record (IL444-2606D)
- SNAP Employability Plan (IL444-2839)
- SNAP Work Requirement - Community Work Verification (IL444-3673)
- SNAP E&T Employment and Training Staffing (IL444-4334)
Obsolete Forms
- SNAP E&T Participation and Review (IL444-2503)
- SNAP E&T Job Search and Report (IL444-2329)
- SNAP E&T Conciliation Appointment Notice (IL444-2846G)
- SNAP Work Requirement Fact Sheet (IL444-3674)
- SNAP E&T Work Requirement (NonSNAP E&T counties)- Community Work Verification (IL444-3675)
- SNAP E&T Conciliation Agreement (IL444-3691A)
- SNAP E&T Participation Community Work Program (IL444-4019)
- SNAP E&T Employment and Training Program (IDHS 4538)
SNAP E&T Procedure Changes
FCRC Responsibilities
- FCRCs will continue to determine eligibility for SNAP benefits, including determining if a customer meets a work exemption, explaining all rights and reporting requirements, processing the application and managing the case after approval.
- The change in procedure is the role that FCRCs will have in the operation of the SNAP E&T Program. Most SNAP E&T functions will be handled by the Office of Workforce Development in conjunction with contracted SNAP E&T Providers. FCRCs have a limited role of doing a brief customer assessment, answering a few questions in IES to indicate that the SNAP E&T Program was discussed, the customer is suitable for SNAP E&T participation, and a referral was made to the Office of Workforce Development. Once the referral is received, the Office of Workforce Development and the SNAP E&T Provider will follow-up with the customer's participation in the SNAP E&T Program.
- The FCRC must review the initial and redetermination (REDE) application and discuss with the applicant during the interview, the work status of each SNAP household member. The FCRC must determine if members of the SNAP household meet a Work Provision exemption (PM 03-15-02) and when the policy is in effect, a Work Requirement exemption. Currently the entire State continues to be waived from implementing the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy through 06/30/2023.
- The FCRC must complete Page 1 of the SNAP Work Rules (Form IL 444-5175) for each member in the SNAP household who does not meet an exemption and give the completed form to the applicant, including the SNAP E&T and the Nondiscrimination sections. It is not necessary to complete Page 1 for a member who would otherwise be considered nonexempt from the Work Requirement since the policy is not currently in effect in any Illinois county. Page 3, Work Requirement, should still be issued and an explanation provided so that a SNAP household is aware of the policy and which members would be subject to meeting the work rule if the policy was in effect.
- If a REDE interview is waived under the FNS waiver, the FCRC should make a good faith effort to contact the SNAP household by phone to explain the SNAP work rules and mail the completed form. Consider one phone call as a good faith effort. Review the IES Eligibility Summary Screen to determine if accurate exemptions have been given. See MR #22.13: New Consolidated Notice Created- SNAP Work Rules (IL444- 5175), dated 07/19/2022 and MR #22.19: SNAP Policy Clarification on Explaining the Consolidated Work Rules and Form 5175, dated 09/15/2022.
- SNAP customers who do not meet a Work Provision exemption (PM 03-15-02) or Work Requirement exemption (PM 03-25-01) are considered work registrants. When the FCRC provides a SNAP household whose members do not meet an exemption with Form IL 444-5175 and provides an oral explanation of the work rules, this serves as registering the member for work. Do not refer a SNAP customer to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to register for work.
- Once the work status of each member has been determined, the FCRC is able to identify potential volunteers for the SNAP E&T Program. Explain the services that are available to help with any barriers a customer may be experiencing.
- For customers who are unemployed but work ready, explain the SNAP E&T services that are available to help with work related expenses. Work ready means that the customer already has marketable job skills and may only need supportive services and help in seeking out potential employers.
- For other customers who lack an education and/or work history, discuss employment interest and the SNAP E&T components that are available to help meet the specific needs of the individual.
- Explain to SNAP households whose members would be subject to SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits, the work and training opportunities SNAP E&T offers that can help them become exempt or at least be meeting the work rule if the policy goes into effect. Explain the SNAP E&T Program whenever contact is made with a customer who asks about the program.
- SNAP customers who are work exempt may also volunteer for the program. Work exempt customers are not given Form IL444-5175 but should be informed the SNAP work rules and how it will affect them if they should lose their exemption.
- When a customer volunteers for SNAP E&T, the FCRC completes Page 1 and the signature on Page 4 of the SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (Form IL 444-5179). Email the form to the Office of Workforce Development through the respective region's email address below.
- Enter in the subject line of the email: SNAP E&T Referral and the case number. Do not put a customer's name in the email.
- Tell the customer that the Office of Workforce Development will contact them within 30 days.
- Example 1: Mr. T, age 34, receives SNAP benefits. He is currently unemployed and does not meet a work exemption. The SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy is not in effect in any county. The FCRC checks the box for Work Provisions on Page 1 of the SNAP Work Rules (Form IL 444-5175) and gives it to Mr. T along with an oral explanation of Page 2 - Work Provisions rules, Page 3 - Work Requirement rules (to explain the rules if the policy should go into effect), Page 4 - Voluntary SNAP E&T Program and Page 5 - Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Nondiscrimination Statement and Appeal Rights and Page 6 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nondiscrimination Statement. During the discussion, Mr. T states he has a commercial driver's license (CDL) and last worked as an over the road truck driver. He would like some help finding another job. The FCRC completes Page 1 and the signature on Page 4 of the SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (Form IL 444-5170) and emails the form to the Office of Workforce Development through the respective region's email address. The Office of Workforce Development will refer Mr. T to a SNAP E&T Provider that will do a full assessment and complete the Employability Plan. The SNAP E&T Provider and Mr. T will work together to determine the E&T components that best fit the needs of Mr. T.
- Example 2: Ms. B and her 4-year old daughter receive SNAP. Ms. B is exempt from the SNAP work rules because she is responsible for the care of a dependent child under the age of 6. Although Ms. B is exempt, she has asked about the SNAP E&T Program and would like to volunteer for some job training experience. It is not necessary to issue the SNAP Work Rules (Form IL 5175) to her. The FCRC completes Page 1 and the signature on Page 4 of the SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (Form IL 444-5170) and emails the form to the Office of Workforce Development through the respective region's email address. The Office of Workforce Development will refer Ms. B to a SNAP E&T Provider that will do a full assessment and complete the Employability Plan. The SNAP E&T Provider and Ms. B will work together to determine the E&T components that best fit her needs for the type of job training she would like.
- Example 3: Ms. J, age 24, and her 3- year old child are receiving SNAP benefits. She has some experience at being a hair stylist in her home with friends and family. She would like to attend cosmetology school to become licensed and open up her own business. Ms. J does is not required to meet a work rule because she is responsible for the care of a child under the age of 6. It is not necessary to issue the SNAP Work Rules (Form IL 5175) to her. However, Ms. J is inquiring about the SNAP E&T Program and how she can volunteer. The FCRC completes Page 1 and the signature on Page 4 of the SNAP Employment and Training Assessment (Form IL 444-5170) and emails the form to the Office of Workforce Development through the respective region's email address. The Office of Workforce Development will refer Ms. J to a SNAP E&T Provider that will do a full assessment and complete the Employability Plan. The SNAP E&T Provider and Ms. J will work together to determine the E&T components that best fit her needs for the type of job training she would like.
- The FCRC is also responsible for reviewing any information received from the Office of Workforce Development about a customer's participation in the program to determine if any case action is required. This information will be provided through either an IES task or an email to designated FCRC staff from the Office of Workforce Development and will mainly occur when the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy is in effect and the customer is engaged in a SNAP E&T component to meet the work requirement.
- It is still the customer's responsibility to report changes to the FCRC based on their reporting requirement (Change Reporting or Mid-Point Reporting). It is important that FCRC staff explain the applicable reporting requirement to the SNAP household. Employment information received from a source other than from the customer is considered unclear information even if the information is received from a SNAP E&T Provider.
- Inform Change Reporting SNAP households to report getting a job within 10 calendar days of the date it becomes known to them.
- Mid-Point Reporting SNAP households are not required to report a job but are required to report during the approval period when the income exceeds the monthly gross income standard for the household size. The job and income related questions must also be answered at the time the SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report (Form IL444-2890) is completed during the approval period. When SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in effect, customers living in counties that must meet the requirement are centrally converted to Change Reporting status.
Workforce Development Responsibilities
- Within 2 workdays after receipt of the referral, the Office of Workforce Development staff:
- Will enter the customer's information from the referral into ISETS; and
- Contact the customer within 30 days; and
- Make a referral to a SNAP E&T Provider who will do a full assessment and the Employability Plan, if available; and
- Add case notes in IES Case Comments; and
- Report information to the FCRC if a case action is needed.
- All SNAP E&T components, including supportive services are handled by the Office of Workforce Development staff and the Providers. If a SNAP E&T Provider is not available, the Office of Workforce Development will manage the customer's case for employment and training.
- All staffing will be handled by the Office of Workforce Development and the SNAP E&T Provider.
When Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in Effect
- FCRCs will be responsible for managing a customer's eligibility for benefits when the Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in effect. If a customer volunteers for the SNAP E&T Program to meet the requirement, the Office of Workforce Development will report information about participation and if the customer is no longer in the program. The FCRC will determine the appropriate action to take on the customer's eligibility for time-limited benefits.
- A customer may also choose to perform Community Service to meet the Work Requirement. Community Service is not a SNAP E&T component. A referral is not sent to the Office of Workforce Development.
- FCRCs in nonwaived areas will manage and monitor any customer that self-initiates Community Service with a preapproved Community Service Provider. Community Service Providers offer volunteer positions to individuals receiving SNAP to help them with meeting the Work Requirement when the policy is in effect.
- FCRCs in nonwaived areas will use SNAP Work Requirement - Community Work Verification (IL444-3673) to verify the work hours at the start of when a customer volunteers with the Community Service Provider. A customer is required to work an average of 20 hours per week (80 hours per month) to meet the Work Requirement. Work hours are not verified monthly. It is the customer's responsibility to report any changes in their work status. Customers participating in Community Service are not eligible for SNAP E&T supportive services.
IES System Changes
Updates have been made to multiple screens in IES.
Non-Financial - Questions Screen
- For SNAP purposes, the question below should be answered (YES) when there is a member in the SNAP household who is subject to a SNAP work rule. This is a member who did not meet a Work Provision exemption and Work Requirement exemption and the SNAP Work Rules (Form IL 444-5175) was completed and issued to the SNAP household.
- "Is anyone in the household subject to the work rules (TANF work and training, SNAP Work Provisions) or Requirements?"
- While explaining the SNAP E&T Program, the question below should be answered (YES), if IES has defaulted the question to (NO).
- "Would you like to review the SNAP Employment & Training screen?"
- This question will default to (NO) unless a record already exists and will remain enabled. If an existing record has been end-dated, the system will default the question to (YES) (Historical). If the question is defaulted to (YES) or (YES) (Historical), the system will queue the SNAP E&T Summary screen.
- If the question is updated to (YES) by the worker and a record does not currently exist, the system will queue the SNAP E&T Details screen.
- The section, "Employment & Training Exemption" and the question, "Is there anyone requesting SNAP employment and training exemption?" has been removed from the screen.
SNAP E&T - Details Screen
- The SNAP E&T -Details Screen will be queued when the gatepost question "Would you like to review the SNAP Employment & Training screen?" is answered YES, or when a current SNAP E&T record exists.
- A new question has been added, "When SNAP Employment & Training was discussed with the individual, was the individual determined to be suitable for SNAP Employment & Training?"
- This question is mandatory and is to ensure that the FCRC is identifying customers who are work ready or who may need some additional education or job training skills to become employed and are aware of the E&T services available to help them. Once identified and if the customer wants to volunteer for the program, the FCRC completes Page 1 and signs on Page 4 of Form IL444-5179 to refer the customer to the Office of Workforce Development.
- A new question, "Individual participating in a SNAP Employment & Training Program?" and a field, "E&T Activity Review Month" accompanied with a date field was added and is mandatory.
- All other fields on this screen have been disabled. The FCRC will not enter any information in IES for any customer's participation in a SNAP E&T component. A message will display, "Specific E&T activities are tracked through the Illinois SNAP Employment and Training System (ISETS)", in the Individual Information section of the screen.
SNAP EDG Summary
- The column "Employment and Training" will not display on the SNAP EDG Summary.
- The column "Exemption/Participation Reason" on the SNAP EDG Summary is split into two columns:
- Work Provision Exemption/Participation Reason.
- Work Requirement Exemption/Participation Reason.
- The system will map the appropriate exemption reason to both columns following the hierarchy of the exemptions.
SNAP E&T - Summary screen
This screen will display the following columns:
- Name
- Individual fit to participate in SNAP E&T?
- Individual is participating in SNAP E&T?
- E&T Review Month
- An edit pencil icon will be available for the worker to modify a record.
- A trash can icon will be available for the worker to delete a record.
SNAP E&T Components
Some SNAP E&T components have been renamed. The components are categorized as Non-Education/Non-Work Components, Educational Components and Work Experience Components. A description of each component is below.
Non-Education/Non-Work Components
Supervised Job Search
- Supervised Job Search consists of a coordinated set of activities such as job placement services, skills assessment and interest inventory, and training/coaching to improve the customer's job seeking chances. Supervised Job Search also identifies any additional services that may be needed if the customer cannot find a job. Customers in Supervised Job Search will be supervised by Office of Workforce Development staff or by a Provider with at least weekly contact being made. Providers or Office of Workforce Development staff will be responsible for maintaining documentation of customers' time spent completing the job search component and time spent developing a job search strategy or plan with the customer and then time spent in enacting that plan. State approved Supervised Job Search locations include:
- Office of Workforce Development or Provider locations; or
- An American Job Center with Office of Workforce Development; or
- Provider staff.
- These locations were determined as they allow for the close proximity of staff to assist with the job search and validate that time is being spent on job search. If in-person is not plausible due to safety concerns, remote contact via teleconference or phone with the Provider, Office of Workforce Development or AJC staff will also be allowed. When the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in effect in Illinois, participation in Supervised Job Search alone will not meet the Work Requirement but may be an acceptable activity to meet the requirements if it comprises less than half the total time spent in activities. Customers participating in Supervised Job Search will receive case management and supportive services.
Job Search Training
- Job Search Training enhances a customer's job readiness by teaching them job seeking techniques, increasing job search motivation, and boosting self-confidence. Job Search Training may also consist of assistance with resume writing, interview skills, employability assessments, and other direct training or support activities. When the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in effect in Illinois, participation in Job Search Training alone will not meet the Work Requirement but may be an acceptable activity to meet the requirements if it comprises less than half the total time spent in activities. Individuals participating in Job Search Training will receive case management and supportive services.
Job Retention
- Job Retention services assists newly employed SNAP E&T customers in navigating the employment world and overcoming barriers that could hinder them from retaining their employment. Support is provided to customers by helping them maintain employment secured through their E&T engagement. Additional counseling, training and participant reimbursements, such as clothing and transportation will be offered to assist them in being successful at their new job. Once placed into Job Retention, a customer will be provided on-going support, supportive services, case management services and any needed additional training for up to 90 days from the date of their initial employment start date.
Community Workfare
- Community Workfare is designed to improve employability and enable customers to move into regular employment. Community Workfare sponsors are public or private not-for-profit entities, such as community based organizations, churches, or other cooperating organizations. Participation in the component is limited to the household's SNAP allotment divided by the higher of State or Federal minimum wage. Customers who participate for their maximum number of hours will meet the Work Requirement when it is in effect. Community Workfare sites must have an established agreement. Customers participating in Community Workfare are provided case management and supportive services.
Educational Components
Basic Education
- SNAP customers may volunteer to participate in Basic Education if they need additional education to advance in their job search or in the attainment of employment. A customer may be referred for testing, counseling, and educational resources at public community colleges, adult education centers, state, or local agencies, or to programs which sponsor such activities. The programs should offer academic instruction and education services below the postsecondary level that increase a customer's ability to read and write and perform mathematics or other activities necessary for the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, transition to postsecondary education and training and obtain employment. Case management and supportive services are provided to the customer.
Vocational Training
- Vocational Training supports customers in need of a short-term work-related training designed to improve employability. It includes short-term technical training, education, and certificate programs that prepare a customer for employment in a specific occupation. Some examples of credentials offered through Provider programs or training partnerships are:
- Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Information Technology (IT)
- National Institution of Metal Working Skills (NIMS).
- Customers participating will receive case management and supportive services. Customers are required to apply for any grants identified by the training facilities for which they may be eligible.
English Language Acquisition
- English Language Acquisition is for customers identified as non-English speaking individuals who need additional assistance in the formal grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of spoken and written English to help advance in their search and attainment of employment. A customer may be referred for testing, counseling, and educational resources at public community colleges, adult education centers, state, or local agencies, or to programs which sponsor such activities. SNAP customers participating in English Language Acquisition will receive case management and supportive services.
Work Readiness Training
- Work Readiness Training consists of coordinated activities such as counseling, job placement services, employment assessment, job seeking skills training, life skills workshops, and information regarding the current labor market. Work Readiness Training gives the customer a better chance of getting and retaining a job by improving job seeking and interviewing skills through training and preparing them for the lifestyle changes that may come after beginning a job. Intensive programs include skill assessment and educational remediation services that prepare individuals for the workforce. Work Readiness skills may include both foundational Cognitive Skills such as:
- Reading for information,
- Applied mathematics,
- Locating information,
- Problem solving,
- Critical thinking; and
- Non-Cognitive Skills; or
- Soft Skills, which are defined as personal characteristics; and
- Behavioral Skills that enhance a customer's interactions, job performance, and career prospects such as adaptability, integrity, cooperation, and workplace discipline.
- SNAP customers participating in Work Readiness Training will receive case management and supportive services.
Work Experience Components
- An Internship is a planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a workplace for a limited time. An Internship may be paid or unpaid and may be arranged within the private for-profit sector, the non-profit sector, or the public sector. All Labor Standards apply in any Internship setting with an employee/employer relationship, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Certain SNAP E&T Providers offer Internships for customers that are job ready with business partners or at their location. SNAP customers participating in an Internship will receive case management and supportive services.
On-the -Job Training (OJT)
- On-the-Job Training (OTJ) is provided under a contract with an employer or registered apprenticeship program sponsor in the public, private non-profit, or private sector. Occupational training is provided to a customer in exchange for the reimbursement for the costs of providing the training and supervision related to the training. SNAP customers participating in On-the-Job-Training are provided case management and supportive services.
Transitional Jobs/Earnfare
- Transitional Jobs/Earnfare provides a time-limited work experience that is wage-paid and subsidized, and is in the public, private, or non-profit sectors for those customers with barriers to employment who are chronically unemployed or have inconsistent work history. These jobs are designed to enable a customer to establish a work history, demonstrate work success in an employee-employer relationship, and develop the skills that lead to unsubsidized employment. Transitional Jobs/Earnfare participation is limited to 6-months out of a consecutive 12-month period (July through June). SNAP customers participating in Transitional Jobs/Earnfare are provided case management and supportive services.
- Transitional Jobs/Earnfare must sustain interactions with industry or community professionals in real world settings, have firsthand engagement with the tasks required in a given career field, emphasize employer engagement including specific training objectives, and lead to regular employment. Some examples of work are maintenance, landscaping, and clerical.
- Transitional Jobs/Earnfare must not provide any work that has the effect of replacing the employment of an individual. It must also provide the same benefits and working conditions that are provided at the job site to employees performing comparable work for comparable hours.
- In order to participate in this activity, a customer must first perform Community Workfare for the maximum allowable hours (value of their SNAP benefit amount divided by the State minimum wage). After a performing Community Workfare for the maximum allowable hours, a customer can participate in Transitional Jobs/Earnfare and receive a stipend. The stipend is considered earned income and must be budgeted on the customer's SNAP case. The Provider issues the stipend to the customer and is reimbursed by the Office of Workforce Development. It is the customer's responsibility to report the stipend to the FCRC according to their reporting requirements (Change Reporting or Mid-Pointing Reporting). When Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits is in effect, SNAP customers living in nonwaived counties are centrally converted to Change Reporting status.
Manual Revisions
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms referenced:
Form IL444-2151
Form IL444-2151A
Form IL444-2503 (obsolete)
Form IL444-2329 (obsolete)
Form IL444-2606
Form IL444-2606D
Form IL444-2610
Form IL444-2839
Form IL444-2846G (obsolete)
Form IL444-3673
Form IL444-3674 (obsolete)
Form IL444-3675 (obsolete)
Form IL444-3691A (obsolete)
Form IL444-4019 (obsolete)
Form IL444-4334
IDHS IL444-4538 (obsolete)
Form IL444-4970
Form IL444-4971
Form IL444-5179