WAG 25-03-02 Program Standards Summary Desk Aid

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Category SNAP (Eff. 10/24) TANF Payment Levels (10/24) Family Health Plans - MAGI Implemented Effective April for 2024 HBWD and Medical Extension Effective April  2024
# in
Max Allot. Max Gross 165% FPL Non-QM Max Gross 200% FPL QM Max Net* Child only Adult & child Family Assist Family Health Spend-down

AK Assist Child only

318% FPL

FamilyCare Assist and ACA Adults

138% FPL

Moms & Babies and MPE

213% FPL

Family Planning

213% FPL

Standard of Need

HBWD (Office #250)

350% FPL

Medical Ext. (MAGI)

185% FPL

1 292 2,071 2,510 1,255 329 439 439 283 3,991 1,732 - - 667 4,393 NA
2 536 2,811 3,406 1,704 447 596 596 375 5,417 2,351 3,628 3,628 873 5,962 3,151
3 768 3,551 4,303 2,152 565 753 753 508 6,842 2,969 4,583 - 1,184 7,531 3,981
4 975 4,290 5,200 2,600 683 910 910 558 8,268 3,588 5,538 - 1,301 9,100 4,810
5 1158 5,030 6,096 3,049 800 1,067 1,067 650 9,694 4,207 6,493 - 1,522 10,669 5,639
6 1390 5,770 6,993 3,497 918 1,224 1,224 733 11,119 4,825 7,448 - 1,711 12,238 6,469
7 1536 6,510 7,890 3,945 1,036 1,381 1,381 767 12,545 5,444 8,403 - 1,803 13,808 7,298
8 1756 7,249 8,786 4,394 1,154 1,538 1,538 808 13,971 6,063 9,358 - 1,896 15,377 8,128
9 1976 7,989 9,683 4,843 1,271 1,695 1,695 850 15,397 6,682 10,313 - 1,995 16,946 8,957
10 2192 8,729 10,580 5,292 1,389 1,852 1,852 900 16,822 7,300 11,268 - 2,100 18,515 9,787
Each Add'l +220 +740 +897 +449 See
WAG 25-03-02(3)
 WAG 25-03-02(3)
PM 15- 06- 01- a
+67 +1,426 Not over 318% FPL +619
Not over 138% FPL
+955 Not over 213% FPL - +1,569
Up to 350% FPL
Up to 185% FPL

* Only use the Net Income test if QM gross income exceeds 200% FPL; OR Has a member with an IPV or work sanction.

Medical Income Standards

See PM 15-06-01.

Minimum Wage

Fed: $7.25/hr (eff 07/24/09)
State: $15.00/hr (eff 01/01/25)

MAGI Deduction Limits and Other Thresholds

For more information on MAGI deduction, see PM 08-03-03. IES edits do not restrict the amounts of these deductions. Use care when entering them in IES. Some limits do not change from year to year.

Threshold at which child/tax dependent expected to be required to file tax return.
See PM 15-06-01-h.
Health Saving Account
Contribution Limit
Moving Expense Limit (for employment) Student Loan Interest Income Tuition and Fees Limit (extended through 2020)
Earned Income Unearned Income, excluding SSA Income Single Person Family New workplace must be 50 miles or more further from the person's old home Certain rules apply. See PM 08-03-03 Annual MAGI income cannot exceed $ 80,000 for single or $ 160,000 for joint return.
Tax Year 2023 $1,154  a month $104
a month
a month
a month
See PM 08-03-03 $2,500 $4,000/year

Family Health Plan Physician Co-Pays and Premiums

All Kids/FamilyCare Assist
Co-Pay for Physician Office Visit $0 for children;
$0 for Medicaid adults
Max Co-Payments per year N/A
Monthly Premium
1 Child None
2 Children None
Each additional child None

Allowances & Deductions

Amount Effective Date
Standard Utility Allowance by Utility Type
A/C Heat $532 10/2024
Limited 445 10/2024
Single 76 10/2024
Telephone 65 10/2024
Standard Deduction
1-3 in household $200 10/2024
4 in household 213 10/2024
5 in household 250 10/2024
6 or more in household 287 10/2024
Maximum Shelter Deduction $712 10/2024
Homeless Shelter Standard $190 10/2024
Dependent Care Deduction Use actual monthly costs 10/2008
Standard Medical Deduction (QM Only)
Living in community $185 12/2021
Group home/SLF $485 07/2011
Max Dependent Care Medical Deduction
Child under 2 $200
Person 2 and over $175


For Asset Limits, see PM 07-02-01.

Program AABD MSP MSP/HBWD Asset Limits 2022 2023 2024
# in Household 100%
Asset Limit QMB
$1 less than
120% FPL
$1 less than
135% FPL
2023 2024
1 $1,255 $17,500 1,255 1,256 - 1,504 1,505 - 1,692 $7,970 $8,400 $9,090 $9,430
2 1,703 17,500 1,703 1,704 - 2,042 2,043 - 2,298 11,960 12,600 13,630 14,130
3 2,152 17,500      
4 2,600 17,500
5 3,048 17,500
6 3,497 17,500
7 3,945 17,500
8 4,393 17,500
9 4,842 17,500
10 5,290 17,500
Each Additional +448 NA +50 +50 +50 +50
HBWD Asset Limit $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Other Deductions
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 New Manual Text2025
Grant Adjustment (effective January) $604.90 $615.90 $662.90 $735.90 $764.90 $788.90
Spousal Impoverishment
Resources 109,560.00 109,560.00 109,560.00 120,780.00 129,084.00
Spousal Income 2,739.00 2,739.00 2,739.00 3,715.50 3,853.50
Family Maintenance 2,113.75 2,155.00 2,178.00 2,288.75 2,465.00
SLP 783.00 794.00 841.00 914.00 943.00
Shared Room 587.50 595.50 630.50 685.50 707.50
SSI - Individual 783.00 794.00 841.00 914.00 943.00 967.00
SSI - Couple 1,175.00 1,191.00 1,261.00 1,371.00 1,415.00 1,450.00

Medicare Deduction varies based on date of enrollment. Check SOLQ.