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AK Assist Child only
318% FPL
FamilyCare Assist and ACA Adults
138% FPL
Moms & Babies and MPE
213% FPL
Family Planning
HBWD (Office #250)
350% FPL
Medical Ext. (MAGI)
185% FPL
* Only use the Net Income test if QM gross income exceeds 200% FPL; OR Has a member with an IPV or work sanction.
See PM 15-06-01.
Fed: $7.25/hr (eff 07/24/09) State: $15.00/hr (eff 01/01/25)
For more information on MAGI deduction, see PM 08-03-03. IES edits do not restrict the amounts of these deductions. Use care when entering them in IES. Some limits do not change from year to year.
For Asset Limits, see PM 07-02-01.
Medicare Deduction varies based on date of enrollment. Check SOLQ.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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