Good Morning,
- COVID-19 in Illinois: The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from March 2-8, 2021 is 2.3%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from March 2-8, 2021 is 2.7%
- Remember you can still register for the Supportive Housing: Supportive Housing Waitlists 101 and How You Can Use the Existing DD Waiver to Fund Supports webinar that is TOMORROW!
- In case you missed it, the Division sent official notification of the extension of the temporary COVID-19 rate increases (5% for CILA (60D) and 15% for CDS (31U/31C) until June 30, 2021).
- Be on the lookout for Part 2 of our Provider Webinar Series that will be released later this week!
The Division understands that the changes being proposed effective in State Fiscal Year 2022 will have an impact on individuals being served, and providers and their operations. In order to ensure that decisions being made by the Division will not have unintended consequences, we intend to have a couple of feedback/listening sessions on proposed changes prior to posting public notice or filing a HCBS Waiver Amendment. In particular, we are interested in feedback on Intermittent CILA. If you are interested in providing feedback or joining in further discussions, please send an email of interest to Monica Jibben at We will also be discussing during the DD Advisory Committee. You can find the DDAC meeting schedule here.
As of March 3rd, Jayma Bernhard-Page, former Bureau Chief of the Bureau of Quality Management, has temporarily returned to the Division of Developmental Disabilities from retirement. Jayma will serve as the coordinator of the provider response required to determine compliance with the Settings Rule. Working between the provider community, DDD, BALC and HFS, she will ensure that all information received from the providers is complete, that questions and concerns received from providers are addressed expeditiously, and that all providers have completed their required surveys and associated documentation. Please send all inquiries and/or questions to
Also, based on the input received via the webinars and submitted to the HCBS email, IDHS has developed the attached Frequently Asked Questions which we hope will help your organization as you complete the self-assessment survey.
Please note, the self-assessment survey has been updated as follows:
- Family CILA: Family CILAs are required to complete the "Provider Information" portion of the survey. The survey now includes an option under the Ownership drop-down for "Family-Owned or Controlled." If your organization serves any individuals under the Family CILA type, please select this option when completing the survey.
- Group SEP: The survey now includes an option under the Ownership drop-down for "Employer-Owned or Controlled." If your organization operates a Group Supported Employment Program and that program operates at the employer's place of business (not a location owned or operated by the SEP operator) , please select this option when completing the survey.
As a reminder, all survey responses and any required documentation are due by Monday, March 15, 2021. Again if you have any questions, please send them to
Rate Summaries for each provider's 01/01/2021 CILA rates went in the mail late last week. Keep on the lookout.
Thank you for all you do!
Allison V. Stark
Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
Tel: (217) 782 -6803
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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Information provided will help us to better tailor communications to you in the future.