PM 03-08-00
The receipt of SSI benefits due to disability verifies the disability eligibility criteria. Further proof of disability is not needed once the receipt of SSI benefits has been verified.
Verify receipt of SSI or Social Security (SSA) primary, or disabled widow(er) or disabled child(ren) benefits, or Railroad Disability benefits using the State Online Query (SOLQ) system (see WAG 22-14-03-c).
If SOLQ information does not confirm the client's statement, complete a State Data Exchange (SDX) or Benefit Data Exchange (BENDEX) inquiry (see WAG 22-08-13 for SDX and WAG 22-08-14 for BENDEX).
If SDX or BENDEX information confirms the client's statement, use SDX or BENDEX as proof of the client's receipt of SSI or primary Social Security benefits. If SDX, BENDEX, and SOLQ agree but do not confirm the client's statement, verify receipt of benefits by one of the following methods:
- View the SSI or SSA check and record the date, Social Security Number (SSN) or Social Security claim number, and amount on the correct AIS screen or Form 514 in ACM;
- View an SSA or Railroad Disability award letter less than 6 months old and record the date, SSN, claim number, and benefit amount on the correct AIS screen or Form 514 in ACM;
- View Supplemental Security Income Decision (SSA 8025 or 8025a);
- View a completed Social Security Administration Referral (SSA-L-74) signed by SSA personnel; or
- View a completed Public Assistance Agency Information Report and Request (Form 1610) signed by SSA personnel.
If disability is based on a finding by the Client Assessment Unit (CAU), use CAU's medical reports as proof of disability.
File a copy of the form(s) used to verify disability in the case record. Save the final CAF or Form 514 in ACM to Content Management.