PM 03-06-05-e.
When the exception is approved, the Family Community Resource Center must:
The exception codes are:
For example, enter a C if CAU approved a medical barrier and said the client is probably not eligible for SSI.
Although a client may qualify for more than one exception reason, only one code may be entered. On the cover memorandum with Form 4692, BPD will provide the code for the approval reason that is expected to last the longest.
Example: Client whose counter is 60 applies for cash, medical, and food stamps on 08/07. At the eligibility interview on 08/14, the interviewer tells the applicant that to be considered for cash, the applicant must request an exception. The client completes Form 4691 on 08/14. Interviewer faxes Form 4691 to BPD and follows procedures for processing an exception request.
FCRC approves medical case on 08/21. On 09/03, FCRC receives the decision approving exception request. FCRC approves the cash case and begins cash benefits effective 09/06, the 30th day following the application date.
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