WAG 03-06-03-a: Monthly Update

PM 03-06-03-a

Each counter under 61 increases by one at schedule closing each month, if the case is active on the regular roll, has cash benefits greater than zero, there is no earned income (code 714, 717, 801, 802, or 803) in Item 90 with amount greater than zero and at least the minimum total work hours, Activity Code 300 or 301 is not present in Item 60, code M, N, or Q is not present in Item 73,  and code 331 HCBC is not present in Item 80.

A counter over 60 increases by one at schedule closing each month, if the case is active on the regular roll and the benefit amount is greater than zero. A counter over 60 does not stop based on the following criteria that stop a counter under 61.

A counter under 61 does not increase for anyone in the case when the cash benefit is zero; one or more of the above Item 90 codes is present with amount greater than zero and at least the minimum total work hours; code M, N, or Q is present in Item 73 or code 331 is present in Item 80. Exceptions: If the case is zero grant because of recoupment (Item 90 code 639) or Work First (code 506), the counter increases.

The criteria used for stopping the counter based on work follow. In addition to having an Item 90 code amount greater than zero, the following criteria must be met to stop the counter during the period shown:

  • From 07/97 through 08/98, the Item 90 code had Source F (20 hours per week or more).
  • For 09/98, the Item 90 code had Source F or the total Weekly Hours for the Item 90 codes were equal to or greater than 20.
  • From 10/98 through 09/99, the total Weekly Hours for the Item 90 codes were equal to or greater than 25 for 04 cases and 35 for 06 cases.
  • From 10/99 on, the total Weekly Hours for the Item 90 codes are equal to or greater than 30 for 04 cases and 35 for 06 cases.

From 09/99 on, the counter does not increase for the caretaker in a Category 04 case if they have Activity Code 300, General Degree Program, or 301, Vocational Degree Program, in Item 60. The counter does increase for another adult in the case.

From 07/01 on, the counter does not increase for anyone if Item 80 contains code 331 HCBC, New Manual MaterialMedically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD) waiver child. From 09/01 on, the counter does not increase for anyone if Item 73 has code M, care of child, or code Q, care of spouse.

From 07/02, the counter does not increase for an adult if Item 73 has code N, Domestic Violence Exclusion. Beginning 07/10, the Domestic Violence Exclusion was renamed Family Violence Exclusion when sexual violence was added.