WAG 03-01-03-a: U.S. Citizen

PM 03-01-03-a

When citizenship is questionable, verify the citizenship of persons born outside the U.S. who claim to be U.S. citizens, using one of the following items:

  • birth certificates, marriage license, religious records, voter registration card;
  • U.S. Passport;
  • Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization provided by INS;
  • U.S. Citizen Identity Card (I-l79); or
  • U.S. Citizen Resident's Card (I-l97).

If a person does not have one of the above items, and can provide an explanation of why, accept a signed statement that the person is a citizen. The signed statement must be from someone who is a citizen, and knows that the person is a citizen. The statement must contain a warning of the penalties for perjury, and for helping someone commit fraud.