Good Afternoon,
In response to the need for additional vaccine support across the state, vaccination teams of nurses and support staff are being organized by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). Above are photos of IDHS Division of Developmental Disabilities staff members supporting vaccination of residents and staff at an ICF/DD and CILA. A huge thanks to (from left to right) Cyndi SchierlSpreen, RN & BQM Bureau Chief, Anne Fitz, RN & Statewide Nursing Coordinator, Alfred Gakunga, Supervisor for BQM, Mike Vespa, Supervisor of Program Development!
Also, here is an AMAZING video of Della Reese, DSP, a 25-year veteran of Sparc in Springfield, talking about her experience in getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Thanks to IARF for the share.
You can still submit your photo or video (either YOUR PLEDGE or actual vaccination) by texting "SELFIE" (English) or "SPASELFIE" (Spanish) to 552020. Then upload your photo. You can also email it. If you want to be in the DDD Comments you can also email it to me directly! I'm getting a little behind on posting but I love seeing them!
- As of yesterday, the preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from January 7-13, 2021 is 6.8%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from January 7-13, 2021 is 8.0%.
- NEXT WEEK! DDD Update Webinar! February 18, 2021 at 1pm. Register
The Governor's Office announced today that people with disabilities will be included in phase 1b for vaccination purposes effective 2/25/21. We'll share more information as it becomes available. This is great news!
We also want to thank our ISCs and the Division staff for reaching out to our CILA providers to ensure that they were connected to local health department and/or pharmacy for vaccinations for residents and staff. We're happy to report that the vast majority of our CILAs have been connected to vaccination support and IDHS is working through those providers that have not been connected. If you have questions please reach out to Jennifer Gentile at
On January 27, 2021, the Division released information regarding the status of Illinois' Statewide Transition Plan (STP) as it relates to the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule. Early next week providers will be receiving an additional communication that includes a self-assessment survey. This survey must be completed and submitted no later than March 15, 2021. The Division will be hosting webinars in the coming weeks to explain the process and answer provider questions.
While the final compliance deadline for the Settings Rule is March 17, 2023, there are interim deadlines, related to the Heightened Scrutiny process, that states are required to meet between now and then. Those deadlines were laid out in federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) March 2019 Heightened Scrutiny Guidance. The NEXT deadline is March 31, 2021 and requires the State to submit a list of settings to CMS that isolate individuals. These include:
- Settings located in the same building as a public or private institution; or
- Settings located on the grounds of or adjacent to a public or private institution; or
- Settings that isolate individuals receiving Medicaid HCBS from the broader community of individuals not receiving HCBS services.
In order to help the State meet the above Settings Rule deadlines, IDHS is releasing a provider self-assessment survey Any provider organization who provides the following services shall be required to complete the survey for EACH SITE they oversee, including individually-controlled and agency-controlled CILA sites:
- Residential
- 24-Hour CILA
- Intermittent CILA
- Host Family CILA
- Child Group Home
- Community Living Facility (16-bed or fewer only)
- Non-Residential
- Community Day Services (CDS)
- Group Supported Employment
- Adult Day Care
Please be on the lookout for this communication and complete accordingly! Thank you!
ICF/IID and MC/DD rates have been posted to the HFS website. It is under Medical Providers and then Medicaid Reimbursement.
Separate rate files are posted for 3/17/20, 6/1/20, 7/1/20 and 9/1/20. HFS will post rate files for 8/1/19 and 1/1/21 this week, along with files for Day Service providers and recently processed Capital Rate changes.
The 1/21 rates are being entered into MMIS now and will be available for claims pricing. All claims that came in during the last week will be adjusted. Thank you for your patience in waiting on the Division and HFS to post. For questions please reach out to Erica Rivera at
IDHS Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) is seeking qualified providers through an open bid to secure the services rendered by an agency for the equitable improvement of services to disenfranchised populations. DRS is seeking bids from agencies that have a history of providing services to individuals with disabilities that belong to the targeted populations they are seeking to serve. These agencies must be able to identify an individual within their organization that can serve as a Navigator for these populations as they progress through IDHS/DRS services. This Navigator will work to support the IDHS/DRS counselor in the provision of services for these individuals. To submit an open bid to this call for proposals, please follow the link provided below. All offering agencies must submit their applications in electronic format. No paper applications will be accepted. To Register: BidBuy (
Thank you for all you do. Pledge to get vaccinated!
Allison V. Stark
Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
Tel: (217) 782 -6803
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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