WAG 03-01-01-a: Status Declaration for SNAP

revised textThe information identifying all noncitizen unit members who are applying for benefits for themselves and are willing to provide immigration status information is included on applications including ABE, Form 2378b, Request for Cash Assistance-Medical Assistance-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Form 683, Application for SNAP benefits. When SNAP benefits are requested in ABE or on Form 2378B or Form 683, the Status Declaration for SNAP is met.

For a noncitizen unit member who is unwilling or unable to provide immigration status information, do not ask about the member's status. Do not report or threaten to report an ineligible noncitizen to immigration officials. The person is an ineligible noncitizen, and therefore an ineligible SNAP Unit member whose immigration status does not have to be verified (see PM 05-03-00).