Scope of Services
The Grantee shall deliver mental health services to individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind by utilizing a culturally affirmative approach. This approach will adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each of these minority populations have unique cultural and linguistic needs, which are not exclusively homogeneous. Therefore, the culturally affirmative approach shall serve these populations in an individualized manner. An individual who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind, that is served by this grant funding, may reside or be originally from any county in Illinois.
The cultural affirmative service delivery shall provide any level of outpatient mental health service delivered by staff who directly provide such in the individual's language and communication mode. Additionally, these staff will exhibit a distinct knowledge base, specialized clinical skills, and specialized cultural linguistic skills. The service delivery may also include staff who exhibit a knowledge base in serving these minority populations and utilize reasonable accommodations for the individual's language needs and communication modes. The Grantee's staff providing mental health services may include, but are not limited to case managers, therapists, counselors, and/or psychiatrists.
The Grantee shall communicate in an accessible manner, by utilizing Video Phones, TTYs, licensed sign language interpreters and/or other reasonable accommodations according to the individual's needs.
There are community networks across the state of Illinois that serve as a separate referral source for these populations. In these networks, information is communicated on how and where to access these services that are delivered in a cultural affirmative approach. The Grantee shall serve as an embedded entity of these community networks as it relates to their cultural affirmative service delivery of mental health services. The Grantee's staff will outreach, collaborate, and network across various service systems to effectively address these challenges.
As part of this, the Grantee will assist individuals served in addressing the complex language, cultural, clinical, and administrative challenges when navigating the various service systems and their associated processes. Most often, these systems' information is not readily accessible in the population's native language and communication mode. Specifically, the Grantee's staff will assist individuals in identifying and linking to other applicable providers, how to access their services, and/or apply for applicable benefits.
Additionally, there is an absence of any evidence-based mental health treatment developed for or evaluated for use with these populations. The grantee shall adapt evidence-based mental health treatment using an effective and culturally affirmative approach. This shall include but is not limited to consideration of the individual's culture, community, beliefs, thinking and learning style, communication mode(s), and language needs.
This funding is designated to support costs associated with cultural affirmative service delivery approach; the necessary outreach, networking, and collaboration necessary as an embedded entity providing for these populations; adaptation of evidence-based mental health treatment; and paying for licensed sign language interpreter services.
The mental health services provided are billed to Healthcare and Family Services' Illinois Medicaid as well as any of their associated Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Therefore, the Grantee must also have certification as (Comprehensive) Community Mental Health Center (CMHC), as defined in Part 132, Subparts B and C.
Performance Requirements:
The grantee shall provide mental health services by adapting evidence-based mental health treatment using an effective and culturally affirmative approach. This shall include but is not limited to consideration of the individual's culture, community, beliefs, thinking and learning style, communication mode(s), and language needs.
The Grantee's staff shall exhibit the distinct knowledge base, specialized clinical skills, and specialized cultural and linguistic skills to effectively serve these populations. This also includes the various outreach, collaboration, and networking necessary to establish and maintain the Grantee as an embedded entity in the populations' community networks.
Specifically, this includes staff who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL), exhibit specialized clinical skills, and knowledgeable in Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind culture. These staff shall be knowledgeable on how to provide the necessary reasonable accommodations when delivering the mental health services to individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or DeafBlind.
Additionally, the Grantee's staff may include staff who are not fluent in American Sign Language (ASL), and provide services using reasonable accommodation(s), according to the individual's need(s). These staff shall, not only exhibit the knowledge base as it relates to providing mental health services with a reasonable accommodation, but also as it relates to the individual's culture and linguistic nuances.
The Grantee shall communicate in an accessible manner, by utilizing Video Phones, TTYs, licensed sign language interpreters and/or other reasonable accommodations according to the individual's needs.
Reasonable accommodation may include but is not limited to licensed sign language interpreter, Video Phone, large print material, Communication Access RealTime Translation (CART), Brailled written material, and/or TTY.