PM 02-08-03-b: Other Verification

WAG 02-08-03-b

  • Do not delay issuing expedited SNAP benefits simply because all of the following eligibility factors cannot be verified within the expedited timeframe.
    • Residency
    • Income 
    • Liquid assets

new manual textNote: See PM 02-07-01, PM 03-02-03-d on National Accuracy Clearinghouse data match with other states to prevent duplicate SNAP assistance.

  • revised manual textIf identity is verified but all other verifications are not provided within the expedited processing timeframe, determine eligibility and benefit amount based on what the applicant reports. If all verification is not received during the expedited processing time frame and:
    • the application date was on or before the 15th of the month, run eligibility in IES and certify 1 month; or.
    • if the application date is after the 15th of the month, certify and authorize 2 months of benefits. Do not require the waived verifications before approving benefits.
  • revised manual textTell the applicant that additional SNAP benefits will not be approved until all verifications are received by the due date. A new application is not required. Do not obtain a second signature page. After issuance of the expedited SNAP benefits, do not issue any more until the missing information is provided.
  • revised manual textWhen it has been determined at the interview what other verifications the customer needs to provide, make all requests for the verifications on the Verification Checklist notice. The customer is allowed 10 calendar days to return the needed verifications. If the 10th day is on a weekend or holiday, allow the next work day. Specify the last day on which the verifications are due on the notice.  The last day must always be a workday.
    • Note: A SNAP qualifying member household who is entitled to expedited service is entitled to a medical expense deduction, if they list medical expense amounts, even if verification of those expenses is postponed. See WAG 13-01-05-a.
  • new manual textIf the requested verifications are received within 10 calendar days and eligibility remains, benefits are approved for the remainder of the 12 month approval period. 

new manual textVerifications Not Returned

If the requested verifications are not returned by the due date, the application is denied the first workday following the due date of the Verification Checklist notice. 

new manual textVerifications Provided Within 30 days of the Application Date

If verifications are provided after the due date but within 30 days of the date of application and eligibility exists, the application is reopened using the date of the original application to register.

new manual textVerifications Provided Within 60 days of the Application Date

If verifications are provided between the 31st day and the 60th day and eligibility exists, the application is reopened and benefits are prorated from the date the verifications are received.