2025: Future Schedule Series

Recovery & Well-being Series Schedule for 2025

The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health - Recovery Services Development Group (RSDG) is pleased to announce the theme for the Recovery & Well-being Series: "Bridges to Recovery." The RSDG would like to thank all those who submitted topic ideas and suggestions. The dates and topics for the calls are listed below.

2025: Bridges to Recovery

Please mark your calendar for the 2025 Recovery & Well-being Series held on the 4th Wednesday of the following months: January, February, March, September, October, November from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

An announcement will be sent via Communication Alert eight weeks prior to each call, including the dial-in number & access code, optional login information, and all associated handouts. We look forward to your participation in this year's educational series!

List of 2025 schedule of dates and meeting titles below:

1/22/2025 Why Mattering Matters: Creating Bridges to Connect with Others
2/26/2025 Transitioning Back into the Community: One Bridge at a Time
3/26/2025 Generational Gaps: Bridges to Others Across the Lifespan
9/24/2025 Harm Reduction: Bridging from Stigma to Freedom
10/22/2025 Bridges to Healthy Relationships
11/26/2025 Spanning the Crisis Continuum: Bridging the Gap