June 2020 - Just the Facts

JUST THE FACTS June 2020 (pdf)


Total cases receiving Public Assistance in Illinois climbed 211,311 cases (286,646 persons) in June 2020 from June 2019. Aided cases numbered 1,936,787 (3,110,452 persons) in June 2020, up 12.25% from year-earlier totals.

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

  • Total TANF Benefits: There were 25,387 TANF cases (67,333 persons) in June 2020, up 1,195 cases and 3,523 persons from May 2020. The caseload was 24.2 percent higher than the June 2019 total.
  • TANF-Basic: In June 2020, TANF-Basic (primarily single-parent) families increased, from May 2020, by 1,081 cases (3,039 persons) for a total of 24,117 cases (61,545 persons).
  • Two-Parent Cases: Two-parent cases increased in June 2020 by 114 (484 persons) from May 2020 for a total of 1270 cases (5788 persons).
  • Approvals: There were 1,782 assistance approvals this month, including 611 new grants (down 93 since May 2020) and 123 reinstatements (down 4 since May 2020). A reinstatement is defined as approval of any case that was active within the previous 24 months.
  • TANF Cancelled due to earnings: In June 2020 there were 117 cases cancelled due to earnings from new employer or increased earnings from an existing employer.
  • Total Grant amount: $23,420,229 was the total in June 2020. This is $13,175,373 more than the total in May 2020. June 2020 shows a 190.41% increase from June 2019. This large increase is due to a stipend issued to all active TANF cases in June 2020 due to COVID-19. More information can be found in the following policy memo: http://intranet.dhs.illinois.gov/oneweb/page.aspx?item=125118  

Assistance to the Aged, Blind or Disabled (AABD)

The total number of June 2020 AABD Cash cases was up 694 cases or 3.66% from the number of cases a year earlier.

  •  AABD Case Details: AABD cash cases increased by 181 cases in June 2020 from May 2020 for a total of 19,658 cases. This total includes 9,510 persons who qualified for Old Age Assistance; 123 persons who qualified for Blind Assistance; and 10,025 persons who qualified for Disability Assistance. The total grant amount shows a 3.90% increase from May 2020 ($2,227,453) to June 2020 ($2,314,299).

Medical Assistance - No Grant (MANG)

June 2020 had a program total of 1,823,754 cases (2,954,142 persons). Of the total MANG cases, there were 67,567 cases (118,146 MANG persons) in All Kids, Disabled Workers, Breast and Cervical Cancer, Veteran Care, Medically Fragile Technology Dependent, and Department of Corrections programs. Overall, MANG cases in June 2020 show a 13.61% increase (218,442 cases) since June 2019.

  • MANG: MANG recipients represent 94.16% of total cases and 94.97% of total persons in June 2020.  In June 2019, MANG recipients represented 93.04% of total cases.
  • Family Health Plans: Families increased in June 2020 by 8,569 to 711,993 cases from totals in May 2020. Persons also increased in June by 22,021 to 1,767,983 persons.
  • ACA Adult: ACA Adult saw an increase of 16,109 cases from May 2020 for a total of 686,981 cases in June. Persons increased by 16,636 for a June 2020 total of 711,014.
  • AABD Clients: AABD customers who were categorically qualified for Medical Only increased 1.09% in June 2020 from May 2020 to 337,753 cases.
  • Foster Care: Foster Care Assistance aided 41,982 in June of 2020. This is a decrease of 503 persons since May 2020.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • SNAP Assistance was given to 1,079,085 Illinois households (1,987,085 persons) in June 2020. This is an increase of 196,233 households from June 2019 levels.
  • A total of 113,033 households (156,310 persons) received SNAP with no other assistance in June 2020. This is an increase of 32,273 households from June 2019 levels.
  • The total SNAP assistance amount for June of 2020 was $386,342,554*. This is an increase of $166,597,590 from June of 2019.


Program Cases Persons
TANF 25,387 67,333
AABD Cash 19,658 19,658
Family Health Plans 711,993 1,767,983
AABD MANG 337,753 337,753
ACA 686,981 711,014
SNAP with no other assistance 113,033 156,310
Foster Care 41,982 41,982
Refugee Cash and Medical 96 96
Total 1,936,883 3,102,129

Child Care1

Child Care Services are available to families with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Families must be working or enrolled in approved education or training activities. Families cost-share with co-payments based on income and family size. Services are delivered through a certificate program and a site-administered contract system.

  • The Certificate Program eligibility is determined by resource and referral agencies. Parents choose subsidized full or part-time care from any legal care provider that meets their needs. Providers include child-care centers, family homes, group child-care home and in-home and relative care. In May 2020, an estimated 116,036 children were served by certificate.
  • The Site-Administered Contract Program serves families through a statewide network of contracted licensed centers and family homes. Families apply for care directly with the contracted providers and eligibility is determined on-site by the provider. In May 2020, an estimated 4,993 children were served by contract.
  • The Migrant Head Start Program provides childcare and health and social services for preschool children of migrant and seasonal farm workers. Services are provided by local community-based agencies. In May 2020, the centers were closed.

Emergency Food, Shelter and Support

Homeless families and individuals receive food, shelter and support services through local not-for-profit organizations. A "continuum of care" includes emergency and transitional housing and assistance in gaining self-sufficiency and permanent housing.

  • The Emergency and Transitional Housing Program served 5,832 households in shelters during April through June 2020. Of those, 462 were households with children.
  • The Emergency Food Program served 269,629 households (duplicative) in June 2020.
  • The Homeless Prevention Program helps families in existing homes and helps others secure affordable housing. During April-June 2020, 1,526 households were served. Of those, 730 were families (Households with children under age 18).
  • The Supportive Housing Program funds governments and agencies which serve families and transitional facility residents. In the April-June 2020 quarter, 974,709 nights of Supportive Housing were provided.
  • The Refugee and Immigrant Citizenship Initiative funds the provision of English language, civics and U.S. history instruction as well as application services. This program has served 1,827 clients in June of 2020.
  • Of the refugees served, 425 received employment services, and 93% of the clients entering employment were still employed 90 days later during the 4th Quarter of FY20.
  • The Outreach and Interpretation project assures access to IDHS benefits. This program has served 3,389 in June of 2020.

Social Service Block Grants

Service funding is provided through the Federal Title XX Social Services Block Grant to manage and monitor contracts which help customers achieve economic self-support and prevent or remedy abuse and neglect.

  • Crisis Nurseries served 162 customers during the April - June 2020 quarter.
  • The Estimated Donated Funds Initiative aided 4,943 customers with 30,687 rides provided for Senior's during the April - June 2020 quarter.

Early Intervention (EI)1

The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) program serves infants and toddlers ages birth to 3 years old with developmental delays or disabilities and their family in one or more of the following areas of development: adaptive, cognitive, communication/speech, physical and social emotional. EI is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. Annually, the EI program serves approximately 23,000 children throughout the state and maintains 25 regional intake entities called Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices. CFCs handle referrals, intake and service coordination for infants and toddlers referred to EI and coordinates the eligibility determination process and manages eligible infants and toddlers with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs)through transition.

Early Intervention services include, but are not limited to developmental evaluations and assessments, communication/speech therapy, developmental therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, service coordination, psychological, and other counseling services and assistive technology. Evaluations, assessments, service plan development and service coordination are provided to families at no cost. Ongoing EI services are paid for by public insurance (i.e., Medicaid/All Kids), a family's private health insurance, when appropriate, state general revenue and other program funds. Families are assessed a family participation fee based on a sliding scale which considers their ability to pay.

Program Statistics - Early Intervention

Indicator May 2020 SFY 2019 Average SFY 2018 Average
Referrals 1,298 3,333 3,091
Active IFSP's 19,578 22,812 21,981
0-3 Participation Rate 13.54% 4.88% 4.71%
Under 1 Participation Rate .98% 1.38% 1.42%
% With Medicaid 51.60% 52.0% 54.9%
% With Insurance 38.70% 39.1% 38.7%
% With Fees 28.90% 28.5% 28.4%

What's New in EI

The Bureau is finalizing our State Systemic Improvement Plan to improve child outcomes through two coherent improvement strategies of implementing the Child Outcomes Survey practice with fidelity and to have Family Engagement processes developed, measured and put into practice. This work aligns with evidence-based services utilizing the Division of Early Childhood's Recommended Practices.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)1

The purpose of WIC is to provide nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding promotion and support, nutritious supplemental foods and referrals to services for eligible pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children to age five. The program has been housed under the Department of Human Services since 1997. In order to be eligible, participants must be at 185% of the federal poverty level, be a resident of the State of Illinois, and have a nutrition risk.

Program Statistics - WIC

Eligibility Category Clients in May 2020
Pregnant Women 11,643
Breastfeeding Women 12,970
Postpartum Women 10,603
Infants 44,582
Children 71,296
Total 151,094

What's New in WIC

WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) implementation activities are underway and include the creation of a new management information system (MIS) to replace the existing Cornerstone system. USDA has mandated full implementation of EBT by October 1, 2020. The Pilot roll-out of both the EBT and MIS began March 16, 2020 in DHS Region 4. We are currently set to go live in the last DHS Region to be converted, Region 1 - Cook County on Tuesday, September 8.

Family Case Management1

The program target population is low income families (below 200% of the federal poverty level) with a pregnant woman, an infant. The goals of the program are to help women have healthy babies and to reduce the rates of infant mortality and very low birth weight. To achieve these goals the program conducts outreach activities to inform expectant women and new mothers of available services and then assists them with obtaining prenatal and well-childcare. The program works with community agencies to address barriers to accessing medical services, such as childcare, transportation, housing, food, mental health needs and substance abuse services. Services are provided statewide through local Health Departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers and community-based organizations. Home visits by program staff are provided in the first year of life.

Program Statistics - Family Case Management

Active Participant Counts for May 2020

Location Medicaid Non-Medicaid Total
Cook County 9,728 3,273 13,001
Downstate 17,422 4,141 21,563
Statewide 27,150 7,414 34,564

Bureau of Program & Performance Management

1 Current month's Child Care, Early Intervention, Women, Infants, and Children, and Family Case Management data is not released until the end of the following month resulting in a one-month lag for this report.

* Increase due to COVID19 - see Policy Memo - http://intranet.dhs.illinois.gov/oneweb/page.aspx?item=123562