11/23/2020 DDD COVID-19 Communication

Good Afternoon Residential Providers,

I want to remind our providers to review the Planning Guidance and Documentation Requirements for Residential Providers with a Positive COVID-19 Case which you are required to complete. I know many providers have already done so. Thank you! It is not necessary to turn this into the Division, but we may request it.

In addition, we want to clarify the process in the event your agency is experiencing a crisis due to COVID-19. This may include challenges with staffing, support or other concerns. You should first notify your ISC and discuss the needs of the individuals impacted. The ISC will notify the Division. The Division expects that you will attempt to problem solve the situation using the Planning Guidance provided above. The Division will help you problem solve especially difficult situations. As a reminder, you should always notify your local health department of a positive COVID-19 case and seek their guidance and support.

Thank you,
