PM 02-07-02
IES Phase 2 Process
IL444-1120 Verification Document Coversheet
This form is included with each IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List. This coversheet is used by the applicant or recipient when returning information to the office and will assist in scanning documents into IES.
IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List
This form replaces in part, legacy forms IL444-1721 Instructions to Client and IL444-0267 Instructions to Customer. The IL444-0267 Verification Check List is not used to schedule appointments.
For SNAP, only issue the IL-444-0267 Verification Checklist after an interview has been conducted. Do not issue prior to an interview requesting verification. Use electronic sources first to obtain verifications. If unable to obtain verifications electronically, send IL444-0267 Verification Checklist and allow 10 calendar days for customer or applicant to submit. See WAG 02-05-05 for information on form IL444-0267T Appointment Notice. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist is formatted to tell the client when requested information is due, the name of the person from whom information is needed, what is needed, examples that can be used as verification, and the program for which proof is required. There are three ways to generate a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist:
Generating IL 444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist During Data Collection and Case Change Modes: IES determines which verifications are required before the case is certified, based on entries in Data Collection. As the worker enters or updates information in data collection, IES reviews the verification source used for this information. When the worker runs Eligibility, if the verification source is not an acceptable one (such as not verified), IES will generate Form IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist and pend the appropriate EDG.
- Example: Ms. L is pregnant and applying for TANF, SNAP and Medical assistance. She provides all proofs needed except verification of her pregnancy for the TANF program. IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Document Cover Sheet is systematically generated in IES when eligibility is run. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List, lists Ms. L as the person from whom proof is needed, requests proof of pregnancy, provides examples of what can be used to verify pregnancy, and identifies proof that is needed for the TANF program.
- Example: Mr. T receives TANF for himself and his two minor children. He contacts the local office and reports that he has gotten married. He reports his spouse is not related to the minor children. Mr. T provides all the needed information on his spouse. When the worker begins to add the spouse to the case, automated clearances verify all the information, except verification of their marriage. When eligibility is run, IES pends the TANF EDG and systematically generates IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Cover Sheet. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist indicates that proof of marriage is needed from Mr. T for the TANF program. IES will allow the addition of the spouse for SNAP and Medical, even though the TANF is pending verification. Since the IL444-0243 Request For Additional Family Member must be generated and locally printed, the worker must locally print the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Cover Sheet. The IL444-0243 Request for Additional Family Member should be mailed in the same envelope as the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and the IL444-1120 Verification Document Cover Sheet.
Generating a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist Using the "HARD PEND" Feature: Gatepost questions in Data Collection have a "PEND" choice in the drop down box. If a worker selects PEND, when eligibility is ran, IES will generate a generic VCL requesting proof of an eligibility factor, however it does not specify who in the household the information pertains to.
- Example: An HFS 2378H Mail-In Application for Medical Benefits is received at the office. The application reports someone applying has health insurance, but provided no information on who had the insurance. In data collection, on the Non-Financial Questions page, choose "PEND" in the drop down box next to the question, "Has anyone in the household been covered by health insurance now or any time in the last 12 months?". IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List is systematically generated asking "Information on health insurance coverage". It will not specify the person who has the health insurance.
Generating a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List for Questionable Information: Casework staff can generate a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist by going to the Program Verification Tab on the Eligibility Summary page. Attachment D (add LINK) provides step-by-step instructions on generating this type of VCL. This way of generating the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist should only be used when information cannot be requested using the Data Collection/Cash Change Mode or HARD PEND feature.
- Example: The local office becomes aware that Ms. C. received TANF benefits in Arizona. You are unable to contact her by phone. The worker generates form IL444-267 VCL Verification Checklist for this questionable information.
Additional Information
See policy memorandum dated 10/03/13 Verifications for Medical Programs.
See Medical Morsel dated 04/01/14 Electronic Verifications for Medical Programs.
(FCRC) Make all requests for verification/information for clients who apply for AABD, SNAP, or TANF on Form 267, Form 267D or Form 267 LTC. For Family Assist, Moms and Babies, and All Kids/FamilyCare Assist, make all requests on Form 267E or Form 267F. For Medical Benefits, requests for Forms A-H (attachments to HFS 2378H), when they pertain to a mailed in application, should be sent on Form 267 accompanied by the needed form.
Specify the last day on which the verifications are due on the Form 267. The last day must always be a workday.
Complete Form 267 in duplicate. Give the original to the applicant and place the copy in the case record.
At the eligibility interview, if verifications are missing, give the client a 2nd Form 267, indicating all the items which are still needed. Allow the applicant an additional 10 calendar days to provide the requested verification.
When there is no eligibility interview because the person is applying only for medical and the FCRC is unable to process the application without contacting the client, send the applicant Form 267. Ask the applicant to contact the FCRC within 10 calendar days. If the client does not contact the FCRC within 10 days, deny the application with TAR 03. If the client contacts the FCRC and more verifications are required, send a 2nd Form 267. Allow an additional 10 calendar days to provide the requested verifications.
Use Form 267D to tell the person applying for AABD(D) Medical for a child, that information is requested when the absent parent is not a legal parent.
Do not deny the application for a child when a person does not give the information requested on Form 267D.
Acceptable verifications include copies of documents and faxed documents unless there is evidence the copy or original has been changed. If there is evidence, request other verification.
Give more time to get needed verification based on who has the verification needed.
For Nursing Facility (NF), Supported Living Program (SLP) and Department on Aging (DoA) Community Care Program (CCP) Applicants and Clients
For persons residing in a facility, always send a copy of HFS 267LTC to the facility.
The nursing facility or supported living program facility does not need to be authorized as an approved representative to receive a copy of the 267LTC.
When the person requests more time to obtain requested verifications, grant a 30 day extension. A second 30 day extension may be granted, upon request, if needed.
Whenever an extension is granted send HFS 267LTC to the applicant/client and a copy to the facility where the person lives, if applicable.
Accept request for an extension from the following persons:
person requesting Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS), or
their spouse, or
their authorized representative, or
the facility where they live.
Document that an extension was granted and update the Verification Checklist in the Integrated Eligibility System (IES).
Do not send HFS 1952, Notice of Extension of Time Limitation for Disposition of Application and do not require proof that verification has been requested from a third party.
Simplified Processing for Determining Income and Resource Eligibility for Medical Benefits
Accept receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as verification of financial eligibility for both income and resources for individuals who are receiving SSI.
Accept receipt of SSI as verification of financial eligibility for individuals who were receiving SSI when they were admitted to a nursing facility.
Accept the individual's current written statement declaring that their resources are below the resource standard for the program, unless questionable, when their verified income is at or below 100% Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
Accept information reported on an application or on a redetermination form as a current written statement of resources.
Require a current written statement of resources when a change is reported that could affect financial eligibility.
Use HFS 2378DR when a change is reported and a current written statement of resources is required.
Verify resource transfers for all individuals applying for or receiving Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS).