PM 02-07-01: Clearances

WAG 02-07-01

IES Clearances

The Clearance Results page Revised Text.provides current results of clearances for individuals on an application or case. The Clearance Results page is accessible in Application Registration as well as Data Collection. The Clearance Results page displays after the Individual-Summary page in Application Registration and after the Program Request - Summary page during Data Collection. The Name drop down list allows the worker to Revised the individual on the case and either view or retrigger their clearances. All clearances results are displayed for each individual with a Social Security Number (SSN). Clearances may also be viewed or triggered from the Data Exchanges page by entering the Revised Text.individual's SSN. The Data Exchanges page offers the worker to view current or historical clearance results.

Clearances do not always replace the need to verify information. Instead, they are the first place to check to verify information. If the appropriate information cannot be verified using Electronic Clearances continue to use other sources. For example: if identity cannot be verified through SSA or SOLQ, a driver's license can be used. All clearances are automatically run, in the background, once the Individual Household page is saved. Clearances can also be manually triggered on individual pages during Data Collection. Review clearances for information that might affect the programs a person qualifies for and their benefit amount. Scan and upload all manual clearances, except the Work Number, to the Electronic Case Record (ECR), even if they provide no information. See WAG 02-07-01 for a description of these clearances.

Note: Each clearance can only be run once per day. If a clearance is triggered twice in the same day, the original information is displayed.

New Text.Clearances are used in the automated process for medical redeterminations. IES uses the results of required clearances to determine which medical cases can be selected for auto-REDE and which ones require manual processing. See PM 19-02-04.

Effective 04/03/2023, the AVS system is integrated into IES. The integration of AVS expedites the processing of AABD and long-term care applications and redeterminations by automating the request for verification of assets and providing a detailed report of the AVS results in the Electronic Case Record (ECR). 

See PM 02-07-03-n for guidance on the Asset Verification System (AVS).

Non-Citizenship Status

Clearances used to validate non-citizen status.

There are two clearances available to validate non-citizen status.

1. Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH) Verify Lawful Presence (VLP) in IES.

The VLP clearance shall be used when the USCIS (A) #, and document number, or SEVIS number is provided. This is the primary clearance and should be used whenever possible.

The VLP clearance is available in the following locations:

  • Clearance Results page in data collection,
  • Non-citizen page in data collection, and
  • Data Exchange page.

2. Web-based Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE).

SAVE is an online clearance used to verify non-citizen status. When SAVE is used to validate non-citizen status, the response uploaded to the ECR as "proof - citizenship".

SAVE should only be used when:

  • The only information given is the USCIS (A) #,
  • The response from the VLP is "Institute Additional Verification", or
  • The VLP provides the message "You have selected a value for the "Non-citizen Type/Document" that cannot be used to process this case. View document in ECR and run VLP clearance to validate provided information."

See PM/WAG 03-01-06 for guidance on using the SAVE System.

When Does the Verify Lawful Presence (VLP) Clearance Need to be Ran?

Non-citizen status must be reviewed at initial application and at redetermination. The clearance must be revisited at redetermination to verify that the status is still valid and/or review any changes. Ensure entries in IES match the current status.