WAG 02-05-00: Screening and Registration
- WAG 02-05-01: Screening
- WAG 02-05-02: Registration
- WAG 02-05-03: Screening and Registration for Mail-in or Faxed Applications
- WAG 02-05-04: Presumptive Eligibility Coverage for Children Applying for Medical Benefits
- WAG 02-05-05: Scheduled Interviews
- WAG 02-05-06: Intake Interview
- WAG 02-05-07: Applicant Not at Home
- WAG 02-05-08: Procedures for Persons Released from DHS Facilities
- WAG 02-05-09: Procedures for DCFS Children in DHS Facilities
- WAG 02-05-10: Applying for Medicaid at Outstation Sites
- WAG 02-05-11: Downstate GA Client Potentially Eligible for AABD or TANF
- WAG 02-05-12: Procedures for Sheridan Correctional Center