WAG 02-04-06-e: Change in Application Date or Caseload Number on a Pending Case

To change a date of application, or caseload number on a pending application, process it through IES, as follows:

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Change of Application Date

The application date in IES cannot be changed after clicking submit in the application registration process. If the incorrect date is entered, staff need to re-enter the correct date in the Application Registration function prior to hitting submit.  Make sure the correct date is entered.  If the correct date is not entered, withdraw the application and re-register.

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IPACS Processing

Change of Application Date

  1. (EW) To change the application date via IPACS, complete the registration Form 552 as follows:
    • Item 2 - Line out the original application date and enter the new date immediately above it.
      Item 3 - Line out the original TA and enter 08 immediately above it.
  2. (EW) Forward Form 552 to 2nd Party Reviewer.
  3. (2nd Party Review) Approves and forwards Form 552 to the Financial Unit for processing.
  4. (Financial Unit) Processes and initials the change and returns the Form 552 to the EW.

Change of Caseload Number

  1. (EW) To change or enter a caseload number on a pending application, complete the registration Form 552 as follows:
    • Item 2 - Reenter the original application.
      Item 3 - Enter TA 08.
      Item 5 - Enter the caseload number.
      Item 33 - Enter TAR 69.
  2. (EW) Forward Form 552 to the Financial Unit for processing.
  3. (EW) Processes and initials the change and returns the Form 552 to the EW.