PM 02-04-06-d
For faxed applications received when the DHS Family Community Resource Center or the HFS Central All Kids office is closed (after 5:00 p.m., anytime during the weekend or on a holiday), the date of application is the next workday after the date the application was received.
Example 1: On Wednesday, 01/31 the ABC Nursing Home faxes a completed Form 2378H to the Family Community Resource Center which serves the facility. The nursing home sent the fax at 4:58 p.m. The Family Community Resource Center receives the fax at 5:03 p.m.
Because the application was received after 5:00 p.m., the date of application is the next workday (i.e., 02/01).
NOTE: If the client qualifies for medical backdating, the earliest medical eligibility can begin is November (3 months before the month of application).
Example 2: Mr. X faxed a completed application for SNAP benefits to the Family Community Resource Center on Saturday, 02/10. Because the Family Community Resource Center is closed on Monday, 02/12, the date of application is the next workday (02/13).
Example 3: A faxed Form 2378KC is received in the Central All Kids Unit on Friday, 05/25, a workday at 6:00 p.m. Because the Central All Kids Unit is closed on Monday, 05/28, the date of application is the next workday, 05/29.