DDD Communication - Entrust Encryption, September 10, 2020

Dear Providers,

In the Fall of 2019, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) sent out a notification to all providers that they are required to encrypt all emails which contain confidential client information. This is becoming a specific problem as we try to implement remote surveys and try to respond to provider's inquiries and questions via email. As a reminder confidential Information includes client's Protected Health information (PHI) and/or Personally Identifiable Information (PII). See page 2 for the definition of PHI and PII.

As a result of these issues, Providers are required to identify at least one individual who will maintain the Entrust encryption software on their computer within their organization (we encourage more) and be identified as the specific contact person for the DDD. Any agency provider staff who send a client's PHI and/or PII to DDD staff via email must have an Entrust Encryption ID for their provider E-Mail address. Instructions for downloading the Entrust are below. Please email Janene VanBebber at Janene.VanBebber@illinois.gov using the template provided on page 3 with your Entrust encryption contact person's name and e-mail address no later than September 30, 2020.

Please note: any individual who completes a survey with the Bureau of Quality Management (BQM), or the Bureau of Clinical Services for an RN Trainer audit, or with DDD Staff which contains PHI or PII must have the ability to send information through encryption. We suggest multiple individuals download and install the encryption software and obtain an encryption ID for their work email address.

Entrust Encryption Software:

Entrust is the encryption software program used by staff of the State of Illinois and it's free for our providers to download and use. For information about how you can download the Entrust software, please follow this link: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=72092. It will take you to a webpage that describes the process.


PHI is protected health information, connected to a living or deceased individual, which relates to the patient's past, present, or future health condition. PHI includes healthcare services and payment for those services. PHI can be in print, spoken, or electronic form. It may include:

  • Medical, clinical or case management records, including test results, diagnoses, treatment plans, personal plans, implementation strategies and notes
  • Photograph or video recording of an individual's health information
  • Billing information about an individual with disabilities treatment

PII is protected identifying information connected to a living or deceased individual. It may include:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Birthdate
  • Telephone or Fax Number
  • Social Security Number
  • Any other unique identifying number characteristic or code
  • Email
  • Medical records number
  • Account numbers
  • Hospital admissions and discharge dates
  • Full face photographic images
  • Biometric identifiers
  • Certificate/license numbers

If you have any general questions about this notice, please contact Janene VanBebber at Janene.VanBebber@illinois.gov.

If you have questions specific to downloading/installing Entrust, please contact DoIT Customer Service Desk at (217) 524-3648 or via email at cms.bccs.pimtech@illinois.gov.

Thank you,

Allison Stark

Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities