PM 02-03-00.
The Coordinated Intake Process begins with completion of a Family Assessment. Use the Family Assessment forms (Form 4001 series) to guide you through the assessment.
Do not delay an application for AABD, medical, TANF Child-Only or SNAP benefits, by requiring an applicant to complete a Family Assessment.
Provide Guide to Services (Form 4474) to each applicant, regardless of what they are applying for. Provide this form prior to beginning the assessment. Explain to each applicant who is only applying for AABD,
medical, SNAP benefits, and/or TANF Child-Only, their right to apply for assistance without delay. However, reinforce that DHS is a full service office and that additional support may be available to them by completing a Family Assessment. If the applicant states they do not want to complete an assessment, do not complete a Family Assessment. Proceed directly to the eligibility determination. Indicate to the applicant that we are available anytime they wish help with additional family needs.
Gather information only on those persons for whom assistance is being requested. Do not gather information on someone who is applying for or representing another person(s).
Do not complete an assessment for:
- A client who says they do not want to participate in the assessment and who is specifically requesting:
- medical only,
- TANF Cash for a case which does not contain an adult, or
- SNAP benefits.
- A person applying for or representing someone in a nursing home.
- A person applying for or receiving TANF on behalf of someone else (e.g., grandparent or aunt). Ask the person if they want an assessment completed to determine if there are additional resources that may be available to them.
- A person who only wants rehabilitation services or who has a disability that keeps them from working. Complete the Checklist for Referral to Vocational Rehabilitation (Form 4020A) and refer them for rehabilitative services.
- Someone inquiring what services DHS provides.
Example 1: If an elderly woman's son applies for AABD Cash or AABD Medical for his mother and consents to a Family Assessment, there is no need to gather information on the son or his family.
Example 2: An applicant comes in to apply for only medical assistance and SNAP benefits. The applicant is not interested in applying for cash assistance. The applicant declines the offer of an assessment.
During completion of the Family Assessment, offer to include standard literacy testing and a determination of English language proficiency to the client. Refer those wanting to be tested to your local community college or education provider.
When determining which goals and activities would be best for the client, take into account their literacy level as determined by their test scores. Discuss education and training options with those clients lacking in literacy skills. Make referrals as appropriate.
If there is a delay in administering the test or learning of the results, do not hold up the application for eligible families if all other necessary verifications have been received. In completing the RSP for these clients, take into account the possibility that the client may have a literacy problem.