WAG 01-07-10-a
The client (or their representative) must be given a reasonable opportunity to:
If requested, the FCRC must provide a free copy of the pages of the case record that relate to the hearing of a food stamp appeal. For appeals of other programs, the FCRC charges 10¢ per page.
Confidential information that is protected from release, and other documents or records which the client would not otherwise have the opportunity to challenge, are not available for examination by the client and should not be introduced at the hearing or affect the hearing decision.
For child care appeals, BAH coordinates scheduling of the hearing with the Bureau of Child Care and Development. BCCD staff provides all evidence to be submitted at the hearing. CCR&R or BCCD staff participate in the hearing by phone or in person.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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