On December 1, 2019 the Family and Community Services (FCS) Central Office 238 re-assumed responsibility for Medicaid eligibility redeterminations for waiver participants, including those receiving services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) waivers. Please be advised, that the Division has been provided with new contact information for Office 238. The DHS.DD.MediRede@Illinois.gov e-mail address is still active and should be your first contact with Office 238. However, if you do not receive a response back within 72 hours please contact Mikie Salmon at Mikie.Salmon@Illinois.gov or (217) 557-9253. Dianne Barbey and Lori Littleton are no longer contacts for Office 238.
We know there have been challenges with this transition. Please feel free to reach out to Derek Hedges at Derek.Hedges@illinois.gov at the DDD, if your problems are not addressed going through the above channels.
Thank You.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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