Volume XIV, Issue II - July 2020


Danielle L. Kirby, Director

Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery

Announcing SUPR's New Bureau Chief of Business and Fiscal Operations

I am pleased to announce that Bobby Gillmore has joined the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) as the Bureau Chief of Business and Fiscal Operations! He will provide administration and oversight for the Bureau, which is inclusive of budget, fiscal and contract administration for IDHS/SUPR. Bobby previously served as the Bureau Chief of Reimbursement and Program Support for the Division of Developmental Disabilities for 4 years. Before that he was the Assistant Bureau Chief of General Accounting in Fiscal Services. Prior to joining IDHS, he worked for the Illinois Department of Military Affairs as the Military Service Agreement Supervisor managing the Master Cooperative Agreement between the state and federal government. Bobby retired from full-time national guard service in 2008 at the rank of Command Sergeant Major. During his service with the Illinois National Guard, Bobby worked for the Counterdrug Support Program providing drug interdiction and drug prevention services for over 14 years. Bobby has a bachelor's degree from Western Illinois University and is a graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy.

As many of you know, Rick Nance was previously in this position and retired in December. Any questions that you previously would have sent to Rick may now be addressed to Bobby. In particular, we have received questions regarding the Cares Act Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) survey that IDHS Secretary Hou referenced in her April 21, 2020 memo (https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=123977).

The survey requires you to certify and attest any actions your agency has taken related to the CARES Act. At this time, our records indicate several organizations have not completed the survey. Please complete the survey found at www.DHS.illinois.gov/cv/ppp as soon as possible. Send Bobby the PPP disbursement date, if you were unable to do so when you completed the survey. This information is needed for IDHS/SUPR to release the retention payments intended to keep funded organizations whole during the COVID-19 crisis.

A big thank you to all the IDHS/SUPR contract managers and staff who worked diligently to get over 500 contracts out over the past few weeks. A reminder to organizations that State Fiscal Year 21 grant agreements must be executed as soon as possible by signing and returning them to OCA at DHS.DHSOCA@illinois.gov. Please make sure to cc your contract manager.

Bobby can be reached by email or via telephone at 217-557-6706. He is headquartered in our Springfield office location but, like all IDHS/SUPR staff, is working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have any questions about the PPP or other federal relief options, please email DHS.PPPQuestions@illinois.gov or Bobby.gillmore2@illinois.gov.