Monday, June 22, 2020
Good afternoon, IDHS Staff:
With more than 600 nurses across IDHS facilities, each nurse arrives to our facilities with different backgrounds, experiences, and pathways that led them here.
As a profession in high demand, it is no surprise that nurses come to IDHS with various past careers including social work, military service, and even banking. I am excited to share the journey of one of these nurses, Tina Broyles, in today's Bright Spot.
Today's Bright Spot: Tina Broyles, RN (Alton Mental Health Center)
Tina Broyles has been an RN since 2007 and joined the team at Alton Mental Health Center on November 1, 2019. Prior to becoming an RN, Tina was a loan officer, but changed her career path and went into nursing after losing both her parents. They were both in hospital settings where she witnessed, first-hand, the benefits of quality nursing care. Immediately, she was able to recognize the difference that quality care had in their lives, and realized that that she wanted to follow this path to make a difference for others.
Tina is a dedicated nurse. Recently, a patient required emergency care, and in the time of a crisis, Tina remained calm and performed repeated CPR chest compressions until others arrived for assistance. The patient made a full recovery due to her heroic efforts.
Tina Fun Facts:
- Tina loves gardening.
- Tina has 20 grandkids (ages 6 months-23 years).
- Tina has 7 siblings.
Tina, thank you for the top quality care that you provide our residents at Alton. We are fortunate to have you and all of your nursing colleagues.
Thank you,
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, IDHS