6/12/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Website Launch

Friday, June 12, 2020

Dear colleagues:

You may have already seen it, but I'm thrilled to announce the launch of our newly-redesigned IDHS Website! While our site has always had a plethora of information for customers, providers, and the general public; it was time for an updated and more accessible format.

The new design will make the navigation of our website easier for customers, providers, staff, and the general public. The effort to enhance the user experience on our website is ongoing, but this is a great start. Our IDHS Web Works committee is updating our content all across the board.

I know that you take pride in what we do, and I hope you will think that our new website design is a better reflection of our work.

I am exceedingly proud of the IDHS workforce and the services we provide to Illinoisans, and I welcome your input about how we can continue to do better.

Thank you,


Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS