DDD Reinvent and Restore Communication (effective 7/1/2020)

June 9, 2020

Dear Providers,

As Illinois enters Phase 3 of the Governor's Restore Illinois plan, with the Stay at Home Executive Order expired, the Division is working through how to safely provide a full range of services, supports and activities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

The Division recognizes that this has been a difficult time for everyone. Many individuals and families are eager to get back into their old routine. The reality is that the routine that was once comfortable, may no longer be safe. We've seen significant spread in congregate settings across the State of Illinois. Unfortunately, the Division must acknowledge and provide guidance so that our congregate environments can reopen in the safest way possible.

The Division, and the Department of Human Services, generally, is also committed to not just restoring our services, but also, reinventing them. The COVID-19 pandemic provides us an opportunity to think about our services and push to make them better. This is not an overnight process. It will take time to determine what services look like at each agency. We are committed to encouraging innovation to best meet the ever-changing needs of individuals with I/DD.

Through the Appendix K, the Division was able to implement a number of changes and adjustments to our waiver to support our individuals and providers. As we enter into the new fiscal year, some of these changes will be maintained to support critical operations, while others will be modified. We've tried to be thoughtful in the changes that will be made.

This notification serves to communicate the changes that will continue into FY 21 and those that will be modified, effective July 1, 2020. The Division is hopeful that agencies will begin to, not only restore services, but also reinvent them over the coming weeks and months. We want to be a partner in that process. Services should also only resume if providers feel confident that they can do so responsibly and in accordance with the Restore Illinois plan and guidance provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and IDHS DDD.

Please also note that Information Bulletins will be forthcoming outlining these changes in detail.

Please note the following modifications effective July 1, 2020:

  • CDS will remain closed through August 31. This is consistent with the Illinois Department of Aging and their decision to keep Adult Day Sites closed through August 31.
  • The Division will discontinue retention payments and begin providing "Reinvention Payments" for providers that plan to reopen once the Division issues guidance on safely reopening. These payments should be used to pay for staff and planning for reopening CDS. The Division will continue to use the same calculation as previously used for retainer payments (average billings from September through February). The Division is actively working on guidance for our providers for safely reopening and encourages our providers to think creatively about service provision.
  • Instead of funding a 24/7 rate model in the CILA per diem, the Division will activate 37U for all clients beginning July 1, 2020, in residential services, to be used for day supports. ISCs will need to edit the Personal Plan to include this service and providers should include it in person's Implementation Strategy. Note: this does not mean that individuals should remain at home. Providers should support individuals to be active and engaged in their communities in safe and appropriate ways as outlined in the PP and IS.
  • The 10% increase to the 60D Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) per-diem will be phased down to a 5% increase. This increase will be effective July 1 through December 31, 2020. Note: rate increases have been approved for the FY 21 budget and will be effective 7/1/20, once the waiver amendment has been approved by CMS.
  • For families enrolled in Children's HBS, DDD will adjust the monthly allotment back to 2 times the SSI amount ($1,566). Note: The flexible spending amount for the Children's HBS program will remain at a monthly maximum of $3,132. We believe this will allow families the flexibility to support their loved one through the summer if additional funds are needed.
  • For Children's HBS, parents or the responsible guardian will return to hiring external Personal Support Workers (PSW) for their child.
  • DSP and RN medication training should now be provided in its entirety and within expected timeframes.
  • Voucher respite will revert to supporting families who are not enrolled in waiver funded services.
  • Behavior services will be able to be provided either remotely or in person, as long as safety protocols are met.
  • Supported employment for on-the-job support should resume, if it was discontinued, with safety protocols in place.
  • BQM and DDD RNs will begin remote audits.

Effective July 1 the following will continue:

  • ICF/DDs will continue to receive the additional funding to cover hours traditionally provided by CDS sites, as long as CDS remains closed.
  • ISCs will continue to provide remote monitoring and support.
  • PSWs will continue to be able to accompany an individual in a hospital setting, and this time will be billable.

Thank you for all you do each day to support individuals and their families. I am confident that while the past months have been overwhelming, the coming months will lead to programming that is innovative and even more person-centered. The Division is here to help our individuals, families and providers reinvent. Please do not hesitate to reach out.


Allison Stark

Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities