- Effective July 2020 due to a change in state law, the state minimum wage increases to $10.00 per hour.
- Use the state minimum wage of $10.00 when determining the number of hours a client must participate in:
- TANF Work Experience and Work First; or
- SNAP E&T Earnfare, Work Experience, and Community Work activities.
A change in state law increases the state minimum wage to $10.00 per hour effective July 2020. Federal Regulations require that we use the higher of the state or federal minimum wage to decide the hours of client participation in work activities. The state minimum wage is used to decide hours of work performance in SNAP Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) activities such as Earnfare, Work Experience, and Community Work. Earnfare participants earn their cash benefit after they have worked off their SNAP benefit amount, divided by the state minimum wage.
For all determinations made for July 2020 or later, divide the total benefit amount by the state minimum wage of $10.00 to determine the number of hours a person must participate. Workers should update the RSP effective for July 2020 at the next customer contact. Customers already engaged should have their RSP updated and returned at their monthly staffing.
For TANF, use the new state minimum wage of $10.00 an hour to calculate participation hours on Form 4044 for Community Services, Work Experience, or Work First. See WAG 21-02-06-d for calculation examples.
Manual Revisions:
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms Referenced:
Form 4044
Form 3673