6/8/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Reinvent IDHS, Restore Illinois

Monday, June 8, 2020

Dear colleagues:

The COVID-19 crisis has challenged IDHS to think even more about how we can do better for those we serve. The programs and services we provide are valued and necessary to Illinois' social safety net, with more than one in four people in Illinois relying on us for help each day.

Your work is vital and greatly appreciated, and as we work through the COVID-19 pandemic and the reopening of the State, we have to evolve to meet the needs of Illinois residents and use the lessons we learn throughout this crisis to shape our future.

In the coming weeks, we will launch Reinvent IDHS, Restore Illinois, a framework that aligns with Governor Pritzker's Restore Illinois plan to reopen the state. This framework will aim to clarify how we can best serve IDHS customers, staff, and providers going into the coming months and years. We will be soliciting your feedback throughout this process to ensure your voice is heard. Be on the lookout for a related survey to be released soon.

While COVID-19 remains a threat, even after the pandemic has subsided, we will take this opportunity to design improvements in our operations with an eye toward safety, reinvention, service, and impact. Working together, IDHS will develop new models for serving customers by tapping into the creativity, grit, and dedication of employees.

This is just the beginning of a process and, with your input, this plan will evolve. Our ultimate goal remains the same: to provide the best services possible to the people of Illinois.

We thank you for the work you do every day on behalf of IDHS and look forward to reinventing our department with you. The heroic efforts of so many IDHS staff during this crisis set a new standard for service and leadership in our organization.

Thank you,


Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS