July Report

The 2020 Census Office report for July 2020 includes updates regarding: COVID-19, self-response rates, outreach, Fiscal Year 2021 plans, grant allocations, and disbursements.

COVID-19: Please visit https://coronavirus.illinois.gov/s/ for the most current information.

Census Response Rate: As of June 29, 2020, Illinois ranked eighth in the country for Census self-response rates and has remained in the top ten for much of the time, since March 12th, that the census portal has been open. To find response rates and rankings by city, county, town, or Congressional districts, please visit:

www.mapthecount.org or https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.html

Please see the table below for specific response rates, as of June 29, 2020:

Location Self-Response Rate (%)
National 61.7%
Illinois 66.5%
City of Chicago 54.2%
Illinois Counties with Highest Response Rates:
Monroe 80.1%
McHenry 78.1%
Kendall 77.3%
DuPage 76.0%
Illinois Counties with Lowest Response Rates:
Hardin 29.4%
Calhoun 38.1%
Henderson 41.6%
Alexander 43.9%

Outreach: The 2020 Census Office, in coordination with Cook County, the City of Chicago, and Forefront, designated June as Illinois Census month in an effort to acknowledge and celebrate Illinois' diversity, as well as to motivate residents to respond to the Census questionnaire. In addition to highlighting multiple hard-to-count areas and populations throughout the month, the following days of action were observed:

  • June 17th - Immigrant and Refugee Census Day of Action (hosted by Cook County);
  • June 19th (Juneteenth) - Black Census Day of Action (hosted by the State's 2020 Census Office); and
  • June 29th - Pride Day of Action (hosted by the City of Chicago)

Fiscal Year 2021: Illinois residents have been completing the Census online, via phone, and in paper form since March 12, 2020. Based on data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, as of June 29th, the self-response rate for Illinois is 66.5%, which means approximately 3.7 million households have completed the questionnaire. Illinois has made great progress to date, but there is opportunity for improvement.

Due to the adoption of the FY2021 budget and after consultation with the Census Advisory Panel, the Census Office will continue to support the important work of our Regional Intermediaries and their Subrecipients. These partners will continue to assist the State in reaching a complete and accurate count with an emphasis on:

  • Census tracks with low self-response rates; and
  • Hard-to-count (HTC) groups including: seniors, children younger than five, racial and ethnic minorities, foreign-born persons with limited English proficiency, persons living close to or below poverty, renters, people who are young and mobile, people experiencing homelessness, people who live in rural areas, people with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, migrant farm workers, opportunity youth (ages 18-24), and people who distrust the government.

Based on this, the following regional allocations have been made:

Region Total FY20 Grant Amount Total FY21 Grant Amount
CENTRAL $1,487,253 $289,412
CHICAGO $8,907,050 $5,010,588
COLLAR $2,604,580 $1,141,176
NORTH CENTRAL $831,923 $316,471
NORTHEAST CENTRAL $756,750 $327,059
NORTHERN $1,015,000 $432,941
NORTHWEST $545,000 $223,529
SOUTHEAST CENTRAL $531,556 $222,353
SOUTHERN $841,525 $401,792
SOUTHWEST CENTRAL $842,694 $333,882
SUBURBAN $4,328,085 $1,894,118
WEST CENTRAL $345,000 $162,353
TOTAL $25,746,146 $10,755,674

In order to engage all communities, populations, and trusted messengers, the RIs are allowed and encouraged to work with additional and new subrecipients for the FY2021 portion of the Census program. Organizations that are interested in becoming Census subrecipients should complete the subrecipient survey: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?module=17&item=118698&surveyid=1496 as well as contact the RI's Census program lead: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=119336

Grant Allocation and Disbursements:

Regional Intermediary Amount Amount Paid
Illinois Primary Health Care Association $1,373,873 $605,305.94
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $113,380 $82,722.75
Community Assistance Programs $1,400,000 $1,204,201.55
Habilitative Systems Inc $3,267,500 $1,911,662.91
Illinois Action for Children $1,108,050 $687,502.05
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $2,433,500 $1,166,342.98
Pilsen Little Village $148,500 $104,000.34
Puerto Rican Cultural Center $301,000 $250,195.14
Rincon Family Services $1,400,000 $961,717.92
University of Illinois at Chicago $248,500 $72,220.21
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago $1,310,000 $956,035.05
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $207,580 $172,421.70
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $1,037,000 $519,347.54
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus $315,000 $217,955.55
Reaching Across Library Systems $825,000 $256,102.30 
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago $220,000 $129,717.95
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $201,923 $156,024.27
Tri-County Regional Planning $630,000 $415,819.25
Champaign Urbana Public Health District $756,750 $281,149.02
Region 1 Planning Council $1,015,000 $602,043.47
Illinois Public Health Association $545,000 $314,087.29
Clay County Health Department $474,703 $375,864.35
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $56,583 $36,840.90
Illinois Public Health Association $841,525 $456,185.89
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $369,194 $251,123.02
Teens Against Killing Everywhere $473,500 $376,696.56
Illinois Action for Children $864,850 $511,350.86
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $781,735 $421,366.20
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $1,368,500 $580,483.72
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus $1,313,000 $888,084.73
Western Illinois Regional Council $345,000 $158,977.84
Department on Aging $500,000 $332,000.00
Department of Veterans Affairs $55,000 $36,667.00
Department of Agriculture $951,550 $429,166.00
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity $850,467 $566,978.00
TOTAL $28,103,163 $17,062,928.58
Census Data, Research, GIS Visualization
and Regional Intermediary Coordination
Amount Amount Paid
University of Illinois at Chicago $896,837 $574,568.83
TOTAL $896,837 $574,568.83
Appropriation Amount Obligated Amount Amount Paid
$29,000,000 $29,000,000 $17,637,497.41