405 ILCS 5/4-211 requires the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to approve course material in sex education. The factors IDHS must consider in approving the sex education material are set forth is 405 ILCS 5/211 (a)-(i). The Department may not withhold approval of materials that otherwise meet the criteria specified in this Section on the basis that they include or refer to a religious or faith based perspective. The Committee established a process to review and approve the sex education material to assess whether it met the standards outlined in the statute. The IDHS approved the sex education materials listed below. The sex education materials may change to include other materials submitted, evaluated and approved by the Committee. Disclaimer-IDHS has approved a list of all the sex education materials listed on this website. IDHS does not favor one particular set of sex education materials over another nor does their order of appearance in the list constitute any particular favor by IDHS.

Sex Education for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Curriculum Review

Assessment of curriculum strength and whether it meets requirements of Illinois Legislative Committee. Curriculum reviewed by the Illinois Department of Human Services Curriculum Taskforce. For questions about this review, contact:

Cost:  $0

For more information, please visit Curriculum can be found at  

Universal Design & Accessibility Material Adaptable for: Sexual Rights Component Trainer Resources Meets Illinois Legislative Curriculum Requirement
Plain Language    Y Age    Y States Sexual Rights N Explains Trainer Skills  Y Positive Sexual Identity  Y
Visual Aids  Y Gender  Y How to Advocate N Useful Handouts  Y Prevention of Pregnancy   Y
Video  Y Culture  Y Healthy Relationships Y Has Lesson Plans  Y STI/STD/HIV/AIDS   Y
Audio  Y Language Y First Person Language Y Online Safety  Y Condoms    Y
Sign Language  N Religion  N Social Media/Internet Y Abstinence    Y
Braille  N Sexual Orientation  Y Emotional Consequence  N
Psychological Consequence N
Unwanted Sexual Behavior  Y
Danger/Predator Signs Y


Simple, easy to understand wording.

Visual aids, games, and homework.

Activities meet a variety of learning styles.


All materials are easily adaptable.


Sexual rights are marginally covered in/as relationship rights.

Lesson 9 covers internet and phone safety.

Lesson 17 covers empowerment as it relates to relationships.


Curriculum includes downloadable Facilitator Guide and Participant Workbook.

Each lesson includes homework.

Lessons will need access to computer and internet to show videos OR have the videos downloaded to show during the lesson.

All lessons include a Facilitator Guide which contains desired outcome, objectives, lesson outline, materials required, and time allowance.


Lesson 5 covers positive sexual identity.

Lesson 14 covers Sexual Safety - Unplanned Pregnancy as well as prevention of pregnancy through the use of condoms and other birth control medicines and prevention items.

Lesson 15 covers Sexual Safety  - Sexually Transmitted infections and includes abstinence.

The following lessons cover unwanted sexual behavior and danger/predator signs:

Lesson 10 - Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

Lesson 11 - Dating and Abuse

Lesson 12 - Male and Female Private Body Parts

Lesson 13 - Sexual Reflexes, Actions and Contact

Lesson 16 - Sexual Violence


Developed in 2019, the WEAVE curriculum is made up of 17 lessons, ranging from 45 minutes in length to 90 minutes. Each lesson has Facilitators Guide documents as well as Participant Workbook documents. This curriculum is meant to increase the safety of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by equipping them with knowledge, skills and tools to have healthy relationships and advocate for themselves when they feel unsafe.

This curriculum is:

  • Developmentally Appropriate: For those with beginning reading skills or above (although lessons and handouts can be adapted, instructor is willing/able).
  • Not Evidence-based
  • Lesson 4 Difference between males/females; introduces gender variance
  • Lessons 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Discuss risks of sexual activity (pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, STDs)
  • Lessons 20, 21, 22 Discuss sexual decision-making and parenthood
  • Lessons 11, 14, 15 and Appendix 3 Discuss danger/predator signs