Criteria for Sex Education Course Material and Instruction

According to Public Act 101-0506 which amends Section 4-211 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code, sex education material and instruction must:

  • Be appropriate to the developmentally disability of the recipient;
  • Present identity as part of mature adulthood;
  • Replicate evidence-based programs or substantially incorporate elements of evidence-based programs;
  • Place substantial emphasis on the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and diseases, including HIV/AIDS;
  • Include a discussion of the possible emotional and psychological consequences of sexual intercourse and the consequences of unwanted pregnancy;
  • Stress that sexually transmitted infections and diseases are serious possible health hazards of unwanted pregnancy;
  • Provide information on the use or effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections and diseases;
  • Teach recipients to avoid behavior that could be interpreted as unwanted sexual advances, and how to reject unwanted sexual advances; and
  • Explain signs of possible dangers from potential predators.

May 2020