5/28/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Press Conference Recap

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Good afternoon:

Please see the Governor's updates from his press conference yesterday.

COVID-19 Updates from the Governor's 05-27-2020 Press Conference

  • Recovery Rate: Governor JB Pritzker announced that the State has begun to develop a recovery rate to indicate the percentage of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 but have since overcome the virus and are no longer showing any symptoms. While it is still not an exact science, last Tuesday IDPH began posting a recovery rate statistic on their website, with the current rate being roughly 92%.
  • Contract Tracing: The Governor also highlighted that contact tracing efforts continue to expand, with the State currently tracing about 30% of cases with an ultimate goal of being able to get at or above 60%.
  • Positivity Rate: The statewide 7-day rolling positivity rate is now down to 8.6%.
  • Hospitalization Numbers: As of yesterday, there were 3,826 people hospitalized in Illinois for COVID-19. Of those, 1,031 were in the ICU, with 592 of them on ventilators.
  • Daily Statewide COVID-19 cases: 1,111 new cases reported in Illinois and 160 additional deaths.

Thank you,


Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS