5/3/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Governor's Press Conference Recap

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Good afternoon:

Please see the updates from Governor Pritzker's COVID-19 press conferences.

COVID-19 Updates from the Governor's 05-01-2020 Press Conference

  • Contact Tracing: Governor Pritzker announced that Illinois is expanding its current infrastructure and developing a massive statewide contact tracing operation, gradually scaling up over the coming weeks by the hundreds, and then eventually by the thousands.
  • Chief Epidemiologist: The Governor also introduced Dr. Wayne Duffus, who comes from the CDC and is the State's new acting chief epidemiologist. In addition to his other duties, Dr. Duffus will be heading up the expanded contact tracing operation.
  • Vulnerable Communities: Governor Pritzker noted that some communities of color face additional challenges in regards to COVID-19, and that his office is closely tracking cases in these communities and using data to target resources where they are needed most, including opening up additional testing centers and partnering with local outlets to get important messaging out.
  • Regional Reopening: While acknowledging we are still a long way from meeting the necessary criteria, the Governor did indicate that the State could open up by region if the curve has been dropping for at least two weeks and adequate hospital and ICU beds are available in the area in the event there is a surge in new cases.
  • Hospitalization Numbers: As of April 30th, there were 4,900 people hospitalized in Illinois for COVID-19. Of those, 1,263 were in the ICU, with 777 of them on ventilators.
  • Daily Statewide COVID-19 cases: 3,137 new cases reported in Illinois and 105 additional deaths.

COVID-19 Updates from the Governor's 05-02-2020 Press Conference

  • Volunteer Highlights: Governor Pritzker began the press conference by thanking the countless groups and volunteers who have stepped up during this crisis, such as the Southern Illinois Collaborative Kitchen providing meals for local organizations like the Boys and Girls Club, the Lutheran Church of St. John in Quincy who is running a mobile food pantry, and the Divvy bike system in Chicago who has announced another 30 days of free rides for all healthcare workers throughout the month of May.
  • Testing Capacity: IDPH Director Dr. Ezike relayed that over the past 24 hours, laboratories have processed 15,208 specimens for a total of 299,896 to date here in Illinois.
  • Testing Results: The Governor noted that the higher number of daily positives over the last week or so is a direct result of the increased testing capacity of the State. That said, he was pleased to report that the percentage of those coming back positive continues to decrease and are down to around 16% on May 1st compared to 27% positive on April 3rd.
  • Hospitalization Numbers: As of May 1st, there were 4,717 people hospitalized in Illinois for COVID-19. Of those, 1,250 were in the ICU, with 789 of them on ventilators.
  • Daily Statewide COVID-19 cases: 2,450 new cases reported in Illinois and 105 additional deaths.

Thank you,


Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS