4/30/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Face Coverings, Social Distancing & Hand Sanitizing

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dear IDHS colleagues,

I am greatly appreciative of our employees who have adapted to working in new environments or who continue to work at our offices/facilities to provide services for our customers, patients, and residents. As the pandemic continues, IDHS staff who are currently working remotely should continue to do so until further notice. Many of our offices are closed right now, but we still have staff reporting to some offices. Face coverings and hand sanitizer will be made available this week for those working at these offices and choose not to use their own.

The following guidances will help you stay safe in the workplace. A separate communication with guidances specific to our FCRC local offices will be sent separately.

  • IDHS Guidance 1.0: Proper Use of a Face Covering in Low Risk Environment Workplaces During a Known or Anticipated COVID-19 Outbreak.
  • IDHS Guidance 2.0: Social Distancing of Employees and Customers During a Known or Anticipated COVID-19 Outbreak.
  • IDHS Guidance 3.0: Guidelines for Hand Washing and Hand Sanitizing at the Workplace.



Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS