Central Office Staff to Begin Accepting Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Applications for Non-SNAP Households

Illinois Department of Human Services Logo


Information Memo


  • Non-SNAP Households may begin submitting Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) applications through ABE and paper applications on 05/01/2020.
  • P-EBT is a special SNAP benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children 3 to 17 years old and 18 to 22 years old (in high school), who would receive National School Lunch Program free or reduced priced meals when schools are in session.
  • The only eligibility factor is that the child attends a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program and are eligible to receive free or reduced priced meals when they are in school.
  • The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is working in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to notify families of this benefit. Information about P-EBT benefits and how to apply is available on the IDHS website @ dhs.state.il.us.  A flyer, Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) SNAP Benefits (IDHS 4980/4980S) (pdf), was created to help promote P-EBT benefits and indicates how to apply for benefits. ISBE will assist in distributing the flyer to various entities within Illinois to make families aware of the benefits. The flyer will also be put out on social media.
  • Families that are currently receiving SNAP benefits are automatically eligible to receive P-EBT benefits and DO NOT need to apply. P-EBT benefits will be loaded onto the Illinois Link EBT account along with their regular SNAP benefits.
  • Families that are approved for P-EBT benefits only (no SNAP benefits) will receive a white EBT card that is labeled "P-EBT Illinois". This EBT card will function the same as the Illinois Link card. Households will use the same 800 number and website to manage their EBT accounts.
  • These applications will create a task labeled "DSNAP APPLICATION" in the "Screen New Applications" Queue in IES. FCRC staff should not work these tasks. These applications will be processed by Central Office Staff.

Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) SNAP Benefits

  • P-EBT is a special SNAP benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children 3 to 17 years old and 18 to 22 years old (in high school), who would receive National School Lunch Program free or reduced priced meals when schools are in session.
  • The only eligibility factor is that the child attends a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program and are eligible to receive free or reduced priced meals when they are in school.
  • For many schools, individual students qualify for free or reduced priced meals. For other schools that participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), all enrolled students will qualify as meals are provided at no cost to the students.
  • If the household recently applied for free or reduced priced meals, P-EBT benefits will begin the month that the child becomes eligible.
  • Families that are approved for P-EBT benefits only (no SNAP benefits) will receive a white EBT card that is labeled "P-EBT Illinois". This EBT card will function the same as the Illinois Link card. Households will use the same 800 number and website to manage their EBT accounts.

How to Apply

  • The head of the household of these students currently not receiving SNAP benefits will need to apply for the child/children and be approved for P-EBT benefits. 
  • Applicants can file a P-EBT application:
  • online at ABE.illinois.gov; OR
  • complete a paper application by going to the IDHS website at dhs.state.il.us and email the completed application to DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov  OR
  • Mail a completed paper application to:
    • Central Scan Unit (CSU)
    • P.O. Box 19138
    • Springfield, IL 62763-9138

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms Referenced

DHS 4980