4/23/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: IDHS Community Bright Spot Submissions

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dear Partners,

IDHS has been sharing Employee and Community Bright Spots, which are examples of IDHS employees and IDHS community partners who have gone above and beyond during this crisis. We know that your organizations are continuously finding new and creative ways to provide services for Illinoisans during this challenging time, and we want to hear about it!

If you have a story you'd like to submit as an IDHS Bright Spot, please provide the following information below:

Community Bright Spot Submissions

  • Name of your organization:
  • Location of your organization:
  • Types of services you provide:
  • Bright spot story (3-4 sentences):
  • Photo (if available, can be historical and, if not, obviously subject to social distancing and other health and safety precautions)

You can send your submission to DHS.Stakeholder@illinois.gov.

We hope that by sharing Community Bright Spots, we can support and recognize the amazing work being done in our communities while also giving our community partners new ideas. As always, please know that we are grateful for all of the work you are doing to support Illinoisans and people in need during this time.

Please recognize that due to the number of Bright Spot submissions we may receive, we may not be able to feature every submission. We will do our very best to have your story heard.

Thank you,

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS