4/7/20 - A Message from Secretary Hou: Governor’s Press Conference Recap

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Dear IDHS Colleagues:

As you know, the governor has daily press conferences to update the public about COVID-19 and Illinois' response. I plan to update you with the important items that come from the governor's press briefings as they relate to IDHS or to you and your family's health and safety.

Below is an update from today's press conference.

COVID-19 Updates from the Governor's 04-07-2020 Press Conference

  • HEALTHCARE CAPACITY: The Administration continues to work with our state's network of more than 200 hospitals to increase capacity in our existing health systems. We now have nearly 28,000 total beds, approximately 2,700 of which are ICU beds. Those numbers do not include the beds at alternate care facilities like Vibra, Metro South, or McCormick Place.
  • VENTILATORS: The state has received 600 ventilators from the federal government, 300 of which were directed specifically to the City of Chicago by the White House. We continue to scour the globe with our own state level procurement operation, and we have so far placed orders for 3,620 ventilators. The first batch of these deliveries will arrive in April, with the rest coming over the next several months.
  • STAY AT HOME ENFORCEMENT: The governor reiterated that he has not encouraged law enforcement to enforce the Stay at Home order to the point of arresting citizens. The state is urging asking people to do the right thing and vast majority of citizens are complying.
  • DAILY STATEWIDE COVID-19 CASES: 1,287 new cases reported and 73 deaths, the highest amount of fatalities in the state to date.

My continued gratitude for your hard work and dedication.


Grace B. Hou

Secretary, IDHS