Illinois 2020 Census Advisory Panel
February 21, 2020
9:30 am
James R. Thompson Center - 100 W. Randolph St, Suite 16-504, Chicago
IDHS Harris Building - 100 S Grand Ave, 3rd Floor, Springfield
Chicago Panel Attendees: Deborah Bennett, State Representative Elizabeth (Lisa) Hernandez, Representative Theresa Mah, Senator Dan McConchie, Maria Pesqueira
Panel Members participating by phone: Representative Ryan Spain
Panel members absent: former State Representative Mike Fortner, State Senator Kimberly Lightford, State Senator Andy Manar, State Senator Iris Martinez, State Representative Andre Thapedi, State Senator Jil Tracy
Staff in attendance (Chicago): Sol Flores, Deputy Governor, Office of the Governor; Grace Hou, Secretary, IDHS; Oswaldo Alvarez, IDHS; Tina Bhaga, IDHS; Kia Coleman, Assistant Secretary Programs, IDHS; John Schomberg, IDHS; Marishonta Wilkerson, IDHS.
Staff in attendance (Springfield): Ryan Croke, IDHS
Welcome and Introductions
The meeting was called to order by Deputy Governor Flores at 9:39am. IDHS General Counsel Schomberg summarized the roll call. The panel lacked a quorum and, therefore, did not consider approval of the January minutes.
Public Participation
Phyllis Logan from the NAACP expressed the need for promotional materials. Marishonta Wilkerson, Census Co-Director, responded that the USCB has promotional materials upon request and that the majority of Regional Intermediaries (RIs) have also purchased specialized marketing materials.
Update from the Illinois Secretary of State (SOS)
Jeanine Stroger shared that SOS successfully hosted a Black History Month event on February 20, 2020. As State Librarian, SOS continues to leverage its libraries to promote the Census, particularly in central and southern Illinois.
Update from the United State Census Bureau (USCB)
On behalf of the USCB, Oswaldo Alvarez shared that Illinois reached its employment application goals. Hiring for group quarters enumeration has commenced. The USCB has been working with the Census Office to ensure that individuals residing in State-operated group quarters are counted.
Representative Hernandez asked whether individuals could still apply for USCB positions. Mr. Alvarez replied that they can, and the USCB will continue accepting applicants due to expected turnover.
2020 Census Program Update
Marishonta Wilkerson, Census Co-Director, shared that RI bios, county and regional fund allocation, and subrecipient surveys are all posted on the DHS Census website. The panel discussed the content and languages on the first, March 12th mailer.
UIC - CUPPA Presentation
Dr. Kathleen Yang-Clayton of the UIC Department of Public Affairs presented on the support they provide to RIs, including technical assistance with best practices and the use of UIC's interactive map for reporting purposes.
Dr. Moira Zellner of the UIC Urban Data Visualization Lab presented on UIC's Map The Count (MTC) tool, which is available at The platform allows RIs and subrecipients to report and map their activities. The panel and UIC discussed RI and subrecipient training, the role of other State agencies in census outreach, and whether the platform would be open for County and City grantees-it is currently designed for and limited to State grantees.
Phase II Funding Update
Assistant Secretary Kia Coleman shared that Phase II funding will be data-driven and focused on HTC populations. The Census Office and IDHS are reviewing workplans and HTC coverage to ensure strategies are in place to meet identified needs and gaps.
Secretary Hou joined the meeting.
There was an inquiry regarding the $14 million in Census funding in the Governor's proposed FY21 budget. Secretary Hou responded that the allocation would allow for Census efforts targeted towards HTC residents to continue during the new fiscal year, align with the USCB's self-response timeline, and therefore reach people during the non-response follow up period in the summer.
Timeline Review
Ms. Wilkerson reviewed upcoming important USCB dates. The next Census Advisory Panel meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2020.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 am.