April 16, 2020
Good Afternoon,
I want to thank everyone who has reached out with thanks, support and feedback. I really appreciate understanding how decisions made within the Division and across IDHS is impacting our individuals and providers. Please continue to reach out!
The Division processed CDS and retainer payments and sent them to the Illinois Comptroller's Office on or around 4/3/2020. The payments are being received as a lump sum and the remittance information simply says CDS Retainer Payment for COVID-19. We are currently in the process of sending out detailed remittance information and should have those out late next week. We ask for your patience as we get this information mailed out. Please understand that we have a limited capacity to respond to individual agency inquiries on the specifics of these payments during this time period. Additional resources are available to help identify payments through the Illinois Comptroller's website at https://illinoiscomptroller.gov/index.cfm/financial-data/payments/
We continue to post guidance on our DDD COVID-19 webpage: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=123451
Recent additions:
- Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (BALC) Site Consolidation form and instructions
- BALC CDS Use as Residential form and instructions
- BALC Temporary Licensed CILA form and instructions
- Information Bulletin on Guidance on Application on Stimulus Checks
- CILA Per-diem Increase
ICOY, in conjunction with our I/DD Associations, hosted a webinar, "Q&A on Economic Injury Disaster Loans Through the Small Business Administration" webinar to educate providers on the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans and how to apply for the program. You can check out the taped recording here: https://vimeo.com/406259065
We are pleased to announce that the Division is offering the Basic 8-hour Medication Administration Class. This class is for new DSPs who need the training to pass medications. DSPs who are registered for the training are required to have video capabilities and approval from their agency nurse. Spaces will be limited. This training is meant for agencies who do not have the nursing staff to provide the training remotely themselves. For example, many agencies have a part-time or contractual nurse that is being utilized full-time in a hospital setting.
There are aspects of the training that will have to be done in person by the provider's RN Trainer. Anne Fitz will provide information to each respective agency's RN Trainer on what in-person activities from the Basic Medication Administration Class need to be completed in person.
All DSPs must complete the written test administered by their agency RN Trainer and complete the CBTA process for each client to whom they want to administer medications. As a reminder this can be done remotely through use of video technology.
The registration link is here: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=45209
And for some non-COVID-19 related updates. Please be advised an Information Bulletin is forthcoming.
- Is the $.58/$.62 just on Direct Support Professional (DSP) wages?
- No, all named frontline positions (DSP, RN, LPN, Supervisor, and QIDP).
- Will providers be required to pay DSPs $13 per hour in the community?
- IDHS expects providers to use the increase to meet area minimum wage pressures and to address the DSP and frontline staff workforce crisis.
- Will ISCs also receive this increase on both their grant funding and rates?
- ISCs will receive the increase on the frontline wage component of ISSA and Bogard Services.
- Will all DDD grants receive this increase in both their grant funding and rates?
- Only grants that are fee-for-service (87D and 89D) will receive the increase on the frontline wage components.
From Rae at Career Development Center in Fairfied, IL:
My heart is overwhelmed with the care and teamwork that my staff have displayed and continue to display each day. Everyone took a role, everyone is working together and continually coming up with new ways to offer our services, and to show we care in this new quarantined world. Because we do not own any residential services, several of our DSPs are working for the residential providers. They have taken activities, paint, canvas, beads for jewelry and cookies to the residents. While working, the DSP's are facetiming the other CDS staff so that the clients can see and talk to them. We are delivering books from our lending library to those interested. We are writing notes, cards and posters and are delivering to the residential homes. We have posted things on our Facebook page for them to see. Through the month of April, we will be starting virtual activities through zoom for clients, including mailing activity supplies so clients can participate at home!
Keep sending them to Emily Hughes, BQM: emily.hughes@illinois.gov
Be well. We know you're doing your best. Hang in there. We're in this together.