Census Advisory Panel April 17, 2020 Agenda

Census Advisory Panel April 17, 2020 Agenda
9:00 am

LOCATION (By Phone/WebEx Only)
Phone Number: 312-535-8110
Access Code: 802-409-251#

WebEx Link: https://illinois.webex.com/illinois/j.php?MTID=m21edb7aefd17f6b8a03a14e4ac9141a8


  1. Welcome 
  2. Roll Call
  3. Public Participation *
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes 
    1. January 17, 2020 Meeting
    2. February 21, 2020 Meeting
  5. 2020 Census Grant Program Update
  6. Timeline Review 
  7. Future Meetings
  8. Adjourn
  9. Future Meetings
  10. Adjourn

*If you would like to submit a public comment, please email your comment to DHS.Census@Illinois.gov by 8:00am on Friday April 17, 2020.