Emergency Provider Program

5/2022 - The information contained in this webpage has been archived for historical documentation.  For current/up-to-date information on the Home Services Program, please visit www.DRS.Illinois.gov/HSP. 

INCIL/Emergency Provider Program Hotline: 1-800-587-1227

In an effort to ensure continuity of critical services and provide the maximum number of resources available to customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Home Services Program (HSP), together with the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL), are launching the Emergency Provider Program.

Developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Emergency Provider Program ensures HSP Customers will continue to receive in-home services should an emergency arise due to the

COVID-19 pandemic. The INCIL/Emergency Provider Program Hotline number is 1-800-587-1227.

If an HSP Customer does not have available backup providers to support needed HSP services, due to a COVID-19 related scenario, the Customer can call the 1-800-587-1227 for the Emergency Provider Program. The Program will connect the HSP Customer with an emergency provider.

The DRS Emergency Provider program has been designed to provide a short-term solution to the loss or shortage of available providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If HSP Customers wish to hire a provider for long term employment, the HSP Customer should contact their local DRS office and not the Emergency Provider Hotline.