Danielle L. Kirby, Director
Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
Coronavirus Update:
The health, safety and well-being of all those we serve are amongst our highest priorities. Please visit the State of Illinois Coronavirus page at for the latest news releases related to coronavirus, video archives of press conferences and tips from leading experts to keep you and your family safe. Links to several other communications and guidance specific to IDHS/SUPR licensed and funded organizations are included at the end of this Newsletter.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SAMHSA is offering several resources for mental and substance use disorder treatment providers and others. In addition, given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, SAMHSA is providing regular updates via a new consolidated COVID-19 page. This page can be found at
Training Opportunities:
IDHS/SUPR is continuing to expand screening, assessment, treatment, case management, community intervention, and recovery support services for individuals with gambling disorders. For more information on upcoming trainings and webinars, please visit:
IDHS/SUPR is sponsoring a series of trainings between March and June 2020 to enhance the skills, abilities, and knowledge of counselors, clinical supervisors and administrators providing and supervising substance use disorder treatment. All training sessions are available by webinar.
Recovery LIVE!
Providing Digital Peer Recovery Support Services: SAMHSA's Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSSTACS) invites you to join national experts in conversation about providing digital peer recovery support services for people with mental illness and substance use disorders.
Experts will offer practical advice, resources, and lessons learned from their collective experience developing, evaluating, and providing various forms of digital peer recovery support services.
To join this free, interactive virtual event, please register at
Thursday, April 9, 2020: 2:00-3:30 p.m. EDT
Residential SUD Treatment Exchange for Regions 5 and 7: COVID-19 has necessitated operational changes for Substance Use Disorder residential treatment providers. These changes can be challenging, but SUD residential providers are able to effectively transition during this public health crisis. The Great Lakes ATTC invites you to a discussion with Mr. Scott Munson, CEO of Sundown M Ranch Treatment Center, Yakima, Washington. Mr. Munson will share lessons learned during this crisis that can be transferrable to other residential settings.
This meeting is limited to the first 500 participants. The discussion will be recorded and posted on the Mid America ATTC SUD Pandemic Resource Page at
Wednesday, April 8, 10am CST/11am EST
To join this meeting, Dial +1 301 715 8592 and enter the Meeting ID: 423 858 554
Webinar - Where to Begin: Essential Tips for Using videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment and Recovery Services:
Funding Opportunities:
Health Resources and Services Administration Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program: HRSA understands the COVID-19 outbreak will have a direct impact on the preparation of grant applications.
As a result, the application cycle for OIFSP will remain open through April 27, 2020. Eligible applicants include State-licensed mental health nonprofit and for-profit organizations. These organizations must be able to support programs for pre-service or in-service training of paraprofessional child, adolescent and transitional aged youth mental health workers.
Apply for this grant on
Rural Emergency Medical Services Training Grant: SAMHSA plans to issue 25 grants of up to $200,000 per year for up to one year. Eligible applicants are rural emergency medical service agencies operated by a local or tribal government (fire and non-fire based) and non-profit emergency medical services agencies. Due Date: April 30, 2020.
For more information, please visit
Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support Grant: SAMHSA plans to issue 8 grants of up to $500,000 per year for up to 5 years. Eligible applicants are entities that provide treatment or recovery services for individuals with SUDs and partner with one or more local or state stakeholders, which may include community organizations, the local workforce development board, local and state governments, and Indian tribes or tribal organizations, to support recovery, independent living, and participations in the workforce. Due Date: June 1, 2020
For more information, please visit
OCR Updates:
As of March 23, 2020, 22,572 persons with opioid use disorder (OUD) have been served through these Opioid Crisis Response (OCR) Grants. Updated OCR accomplishments are summarized each month at:
Gambling Needs Assessment:
IDHS/SUPR is pleased to announce that Health Resources in Action (HRiA) has been selected to conduct the Illinois Statewide Gambling Needs Assessment. HRiA will be examining the prevalence of legalized gambling, identifying demographics and socio-cultural characteristics of individuals at risk for gambling and communities that may be most at risk. Using that information IDHS/SUPR will be able to be strategic about enhancing services in the state where they are most needed.
Smart Alerts and Other Communications:
Over the past month, IDHS and IDHS/SUPR sent many communications to providers in addition to our typical Smart Alerts to keep providers informed.
Smart Alerts:
- Coronavirus Information and Resources
- Supportive Services Enhancement and Revised Billing Procedure
- IDHS 2020 Census
- IDHS/SUPR Digital Recovery Support Resources Toolkit
Other SUPR Communications:
4/4/20 - COVID-19 Telehealth Billing
4/4/20 - COVID-19 Recovery Residences & Homelessness
3/28/20 - COVID-19 Residential Guidelines
3/28/20 - COVID-19 Telehealth Update
3/28/20 - COVID-19 2060 Exception Additions
3/18/20 - COVID-19 FAQ for DUI Intervention Services
3/17/20 - Important Updates for IDHS/SUPR Organizations
3/16/20 - COVID-19 IDHS/SUPR FAQ
3/16/20 - COVID-19 IDHS/SUPR Blanket Exceptions
In addition, IDHS has posted many communications at, most notably:
4/3/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: Flattening the Curve
3/30/20 - Message from Providers from Secretary Hou: IDHS Local Offices
3/23/20 - Message to Providers: Budget
3/20/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: COVID-19
3/18/20 - Message on IDHS Local Offices from Secretary Hou: COVID-19
3/16/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: COVID-19 (also about Budget)
3/12/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: COVID-19
3/5/20 - Message to Providers from Secretary Hou: COVID-19