Volume XIII, Issue XXXI - April 2020


Danielle L. Kirby, Director

Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery

IDHS/SUPR Digital Recovery Support Resources Toolkit

Self-isolation and social distancing, as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, has forced many individuals with substance use disorders to be disconnected from their most important resources and supports. For those individuals in recovery, this can be an extremely vulnerable time and may often contribute to reoccurrence or exacerbation of SUD symptoms. To help prevent this, the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) is providing a Digital Recovery Support Toolkit that contains a myriad of resources to support those who may feel increased isolation or disconnection from their usual recovery support networks during these destabilizing times. We urge you to share this valuable resource with those you serve to help alleviate or decrease the devastating impact that isolation or disconnection can impose.

What is the Digital Recovery Support Toolkit?

The Digital Recovery Support Toolkit contains recovery resources available through the internet or downloadable onto a smartphone or tablet. These tools range from downloadable apps to any other "technology-enhanced" treatment and recovery resource and provide links to the following:

  • Virtual Support Communities
  • Virtual Recovery Meetings
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Other Digital Resources

The link to the Digital Recovery Support Toolkit can be found at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=123318.

Please consider incorporating these resources into treatment and recovery plans and distribute the link as widely as possible. As new resources become available, they will be added to the Digital Toolkit page.

For additional information about the IDHS/SUPR Digital Recovery Toolkit, and/or if you are interested in participating in a learning collaborative to learn more about incorporating digital tools into your practice, contact Mariah Balaban at Mariah.Balaban@illinois.gov.