WAG 01-02-02-a: Cash and Medical Programs

PM 01-02-02-a

  1. At the time of application and at each REDE, tell the client of their responsibility to report any change.
  2. For clients in long term care facilities, tell the person who has responsibility for maintaining the client's funds about reporting responsibilities. At each contact for ongoing service, tell the person who has responsibility for maintaining the client's funds of their responsibility to report any changes in the client's income and assets.
  3. For a DCFS child in a group care home or DHS facility administered by OMH or ODD:
    • tell the assigned DCFS worker and the facility of the reporting responsibilities;
    • tell DCFS and the facility of their duty to report changes in the client's income and assets.
  4. Document in the case record if a client fails to cooperate in a REDE/review of eligibility or causes a delay in verification of a change in circumstances.