Refugee & Immigrant Services
The Illinois Welcoming Center Program (IWC) is designed to help immigrants navigate state services and coordinate those services with non-profit community social services. The goals of the Illinois Welcoming Center Program are to strengthen the overall human service delivery system for immigrants and refugees and build the capacity of immigrant and refugee communities.
For more information, see Refugee & Immigrant Services
Home Services Program
If you need someone to help bathe you, clean your home, buy groceries, or help with other needs in your home because you have a disability, or for another reason, you may qualify for IDHS' Home Services program. Call one of our offices or go online at to see if you can get services now.
Child Care
- If you are deemed an "Essential Worker" during the COVID-19 emergency, you can find help securing child care by visiting:
- A dedicated help line has been created so Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can help connect essential workers families to emergency child care. Call toll-free (888) 228-1146.
- For residents in Cook County, Illinois Action for Children (IAFC) has launched a temporary text messaging service to answer Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) questions during IAFC's office closure.
- Text: 312-736-7390 Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM-5:00 PM. Priority will be given to first responders, health care workers, and essential workers to help them find and pay for child care.
- GOECD - Child Care Closures: A Letter to Families
- You can also call the National Parent Helpline Monday -Friday 12pm-9am CT for emotional support and advocacy for parents:1-855-2736
Older Adults
If you or an older family member, friend, or neighbor are in need of any kind of assistance, the Department on Aging can help. Call your local Area Agency on Aging.
You can look up your local Area Agency on Aging by county at, calling the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966 or sending an email to
Youth Services
YouthLine is a peer-to-peer youth crisis and support service provided by Lines for Life-a non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide. YouthLine operates a national helpline that provides crisis support and referrals via phone, text, chat, and email. The helpline is answered by youth daily from 4pm-10pm and by adults at all other times. YouthLine provides a safe space for children and adults ages 11 to 21, to talk through any issues they may be facing, including eating disorders, relationship or family concerns, bullying, sexual identity, depression, self-harm, anxiety and thoughts of suicide. It is confidential, anonymous, and the helpline will follow-up with callers with their permission.
Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline: Anyone who is experiencing domestic violence and/or abuse, plus anyone concerned about a friend, family member or loved one can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) 24 hours a day, seven days a week.