3/21/20 - Message to IDHS Customers

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

An important message for IDHS customers and their families.

During Illinois' Stay at Home Order, you can still obtain benefits.

Because of COVID19, IDHS has temporarily closed 45 local Vocational Rehab/Home Services offices, and scaled down staffing levels at 75 local FCRC (Family and Community Resource Center) local offices.

But this does not mean services are unavailable.

Whether you care about Medicaid, SNAP or TANF benefits; or Vocational Rehab, Disability, Substance Use, or Mental Health services - we want everyone to know that - even during this national emergency - IDHS is here for you.

We are urging residents to use online or telephone options to obtain or renew benefits managed by IDHS.

Many of the staff not working in offices will be working remotely - by telephone and online - to process important benefits.

DRS' customers can reach local offices through regular office phone numbers or online at www.DRS.illinois.gov.

For benefits like Medicaid, SNAP and TANF - go to ABE.illinois.gov or call the ABE Call Center at 1-800-843-6154.

State Operated Developmental Centers, Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Community Integrated Living Arrangements will also continue to provide care. All in-home direct care staff are considered essential staff and should continue to support individuals in the home setting.

If you have any specific questions about your support and services please reach out to your provider or Individual Service Coordination (ISC) Agency. To receive updated information on DDD services, please sign up for our email database, or to update your contact and service information, please visit www.DDD.Illinois.gov.

Other important helplines:

  • Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255(TALK)
  • Opioid/Substance Use Helpline: 1-833-2GET-HELP or HelplineIL.org
  • Gambling Disorder: 1-800-GAMBLER or WeKnowTheFeeling.org

Health care services, including mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services, are considered essential services during the Stay at Home Order.

All State Operated Psychiatric Hospitals and SUD residential facilities will continue to provide inpatient care. IDHS is working with community mental health and SUD treatment centers to support their continued delivery of mental health and SUD care, including but not limited to telehealth services.

IDHS continues preparing to broaden and strengthen all of its remote options for consumers - and will use every available resource to ensure residents of Illinois are not harmed by this temporary reorganization.

More information about COVID-19 is available at www.CoronaVirus.Illinois.Gov and through the COVID-19 Hotline, at 1-800-889-3931.