PM 01-01-05: Assisting Clients and the Public

WAG 01-01-05

A client must provide proof that they qualify for our programs. Help the client understand the programs and assist them in obtaining needed verifications if they request our help. Refer clients and the public to other agencies when necessary.

What Department Staff Can Do

Assist persons who apply, clients, and the public by doing the following:

  • Change interview times to meet a working client's schedule.
  • Provide for a phone, mail, or in-home interview for intake, case reviews, etc. Do this when a client is handicapped, homebound, or when an office visit would create a hardship for the client.
  • Get needed verifications that a client is unable to obtain.
  • Inform clients about programs handled by other federal, state, or community agencies.
  • Provide program pamphlets at intake or upon request and explain what the pamphlets mean.
  • Make referrals to other agencies as necessary.

Employed Clients

Always try to meet with employed clients when they will not miss work. Schedule the meeting during normal Department working hours at a time the client is off work.

The Public

Upon request inform the public about policy and other social service programs. Refer them to other agencies as needed.