PM 01-01-04-b: Special Conditions

WAG 01-01-04-b

The DHS General Counsel's Office provides guidance for these situations:


Send subpoenas for case files to the Office of the General Counsel. The General Counsel tells the court our rules about disclosing client records. The General Counsel will also tell DHS staff what to do about the subpoena.

Fugitive Felons - Other than SNAP Clients

Before providing a law officer the address of a client who is a fugitive felon, ask the officer for:

  • the client's name and SSN; and
  • proof that the client is a fugitive felon (such as a warrant for the client's arrest); and
  • proof that the law officer is acting within the officer's official duties.

Do not tell the client of the request.

Fugitive Felons - SNAP Clients

On request, provide a law enforcement officer the address, social security number, and, if available, the photograph of a SNAP unit member (including applicants) if the officer provides the name of the person and notifies the Department that:

  • the member is fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, for a crime (or attempt to commit a crime) that, under the law of the place the member is fleeing, is a felony or is violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under Federal or State law, or has information that is necessary for the officer to conduct an official duty related to the above; and
  • locating or apprehending the member is an official duty; and
  • the request is made in the proper exercise of an official duty.

Do not tell the client of the request.

Persons Waiting for Trial

A person in jail may qualify for special medical coverage under certain conditions (see PM 20-02-02). If the person meets the conditions, provide only the following facts to law officers:

  • case name, address, and number;
  • type of benefits;
  • whether they were in an active case when they went to jail;
  • if canceled, the last date of medical coverage; and
  • facts about any insurance or TPL source.