Earnfare gives a person who receives only SNAP benefits the chance to earn cash and gain work experience.
Effective 01/01/2025, Earnfare participants may earn up to a maximum of $525 per month after working off the value of their SNAP benefit amount divided by the state or federal minimum wage, whichever is higher.
- The federal minimum wage increased to $7.25 effective 07/24/2009.
Effective 01/01/2025, the state minimum wage is $15.00.
- A person can only receive Earnfare for 6 months out of 12 months in a row. The 12 months is a fixed period that begins July and ends June of the following year. A month is any month a participant receives an Earnfare payment of any amount.
- A person can receive a supportive service, if needed.
- A person is not entitled to participate in Earnfare. Earnfare is available as resources permit.